from August 2012 by subject

ANN: Draft text fragment ontology for NIF 2.0

ANN: New Positions in the Community Group

Associating context with an annotation

Conference Call 2

Conference Call Poll [via Open Annotation Community Group]

Connecting multiple fragment selectors with individual bodies

Deadline extension -> Aug 6th! CFP: Workshop on Web of Linked Entities (WoLE2012) at ISWC2012

ISO Standard: Linguistic Annotation Framework

Looking for complacent RDF/XML <--> N3 converters

Mandating SPARQL endpoint. NOT. Was: Re: Serialization spec in the OA core

Mapping between prov and provenance in OA

Meeting Announcement: Sept. 18 & 19 F2F to work on core and extension specifications [via Open Annotation Community Group]

named entity annotation / certainty / provenance

New FAQ page

OA Open Issues and Focus Groups

oa:equivalent not yet in core-schema.xml

RDF version of oa and oax

resolution vs dereference WAS Re: Serialization spec in the OA core

Selection Filtering

Serialization spec in the OA core

status of rdf schemas

Streamlining the OA Model



text language. Was Re: Textual Note example

Textual Note example

Last message date: Thursday, 30 August 2012 12:13:24 UTC