from January 2014 by subject

<input type=datetime-local> HTML5 CR bugs

<nav> "for" attribute

[css-ruby] Should CSS Ruby be consistent with HTML5 Ruby?

[editorial] HTML spec style switcher

advice on alt text for image maps

Alt text should identify image class when relevant

Any plans to support custom representation formats for date inputs in HTML 5?

API to get locale date format

bug: Alt text should identify image class when relevant

Commits cherry-picked to master

drawSystemFocusRing renamed to drawFocusIfNeeded

Edito: CSS will have to fork HTML to prevent HTML from forking himself

editorial work on HTML spec

focus events for browsing context containers?

HTML email client support

HTML Landscape of differences

New ruby model is now in the spec

Optional tags

proposed change: links inside label elements

Protected media element sources

Removal of at risk features from Canvas 2D context CR spec

revisiting advice in HTML on tables used for layout

revisiting heading advice

Test runner now available in web-platform-tests

TextTrack questions

TextTrackCue "until the next cue" endTime

WHATWG cherry-pick

WHATWG patches applied to HTML5.1 Nightly

XML:ID extension spec proposal to HTML5 documents

Last message date: Friday, 31 January 2014 22:48:30 UTC