from November 2010 by subject

[Bug 10066] replace section 3.2.6 with the alternative spec text provided (ARIA)

[Bug 10248] Canvas requires a Caret Drawing call method

[Bug 10419] <video> should allow muted as a content attribute

[Bug 10455] Mint a describedby attribute for the img element

[Bug 10484] default roles for figcaption and caption: Make it simple to achieve accessibility

[Bug 10497] What happens to role of <img alt="non-empty"> inside a <figure role="img">?

[Bug 10642] No alternative text description for video key frame (poster)

[Bug 10645] Add a modal attribute to html5 to indicate a modal segment of the DOM (modal dialog)

[Bug 10660] use < and > and not &#8592; and &#8594; to indicate previous and next

[Bug 10661] use an ISO 639-2 specified language for HTML5 documents

[Bug 10708] change normative alt text authoring requirements to informative advice

[Bug 10712] Drag and Drop: Add an attribute to identify drop targets

[Bug 10713] Drag and Drop: Add guidance for keyboard-only interaction

[Bug 10779] triggering the Action of the command via accesskey

[Bug 10780] reference to definition of Action insufficient for definition of accesskey

[Bug 10782] problems with button example for accesskey

[Bug 10784] change summary from an attribute to an element

[Bug 10837] playbackrate: undefined behavior when the user agent can't play back at the requested rate

[Bug 10853] HTML5 lacks a verbose description mechanism

[Bug 10873] Provide a method of explicitly setting a tooltip for an element

[Bug 10888] Access Command Requirements for HTML5

[Bug 10903] provide an introduction to wai-aria in the wai aria section of the spec

[Bug 10906] make the the conforming use of placeholder dependent on the presence of a label

[Bug 10914] Allow multiple space separated values for the ARIA role attribute

[Bug 10938] Add <textual/> - a visible textual substitute element w/link capability

[Bug 10964] Canvas needs to support a backing store in the DOM subtree capable of supporting screen reading

[Bug 10967] Add @desclink, a description link attr. for any embedded element + figure

[Bug 11012] Also say that <area>/image maps is an alternative to @longdesc

[Bug 11140] Subject: Physical Keys and Gestures for "accesskey" attribute The use of ASCII/Unicode code points for key binding has numerous well-known drawbacks. There are vital physical keyboard keys with no Unicode representation. Even for the main alphabet keys sp

[Bug 11199] Need standard way to creating heading "streams"

[Bug 11207] Make track element additions technology neutral

[Bug 11238] Enable canvas to support accessible rich text editing

[Bug 11239] Canvas support accessible caret tracking independent of Focus Ring tracking

[Bug 11240] Canvas support accessible selection position tracking independent of Focus Ring tracking

[Bug 11241] Canvas support accessible Focus Ring tracking independent of caret or selection tracking

[Bug 11242] Canvas must define what HTML elements may be used in the DOM Subtree

[Bug 11279] the "assigned access key" section doesn't seem to know if it's a definition or a requirement. Should probably be rephrased to more correctly use RFC2119.

[Bug 11391] Provide examples of actual <track> usage, user agent implications

[Bug 11395] Use media queries to select appropriate <track> elements

[Bug 11441] "The img must not be used as a layout tool." Missing "element"?

[Bug 7721] Drag and Drop is not keyboard accessible

[Bug 8645] Alt text for images

[Bug 8657] Allow UA to reload fallback content if it fails to load

[Bug 8716] Replace img Guidance for Conformance Checkers with Suggested Text for Short Text Alternatives

[Bug 8800] Cut/copy/paste should use dedicated events instead of overloading drag and drop

[Bug 8885] Fallback mechanism for embedded content

[Bug 9061] allow image maps on the canvas element.

[Bug 9213] HTML5 Lacks a Way to Programmatically-Determine Missing Text Alternatives

[Bug 9215] Provide a Webcam example that is in accord with WCAG 2 or Defer to "HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives"

[Bug 9452] Handling of additional tracks of a multitrack audio/video resource

[Bug 9471] Introduce declarative markup to associate timed text resources with media elements

[Bug 9774] "consecutive lines displayed below each other" - since subtitles tend to be rendered at the bottom, it's actually better for new subtitles to be rendered higher up. Of course, the individual lines of each subtitle still extend downwards, but it's still po

[Bug 9775] "positioned to a multiple of the line dimensions of the first line of the cue" - enforcing the same line height for every line ihurts text rendering appearance for no apparent reason. This is especially true if text styling is supported (bold text is larg

[media] action to provide WebSRT comparison

[media] handling multitrack audio / video

[media] WebSRT Sanitization (was RE: [minutes] Media sub-team teleconference: Oct. 27, 2010)

[Minutes] HTML-A11Y media sub-team telecon Nov. 10, 2010

[minutes] Media sub-team teleconference: Oct. 27, 2010

About longdesc and table summary (attribute) in HTML5

Agenda / time slots for TPAC meetings November 4-5

Agenda: HTML-A11Y Media Subteam on 10 November at 22:00Z for 90 Minutes

Agenda: HTML-A11Y Media Subteam on 10 November at 23:00Z for 90 Minutes

Agenda: HTML-A11Y Media Subteam on 17 November at 21:00Z for 210 Minutes

Agenda: HTML-A11Y Task Force on 11 November at 16:00Z

Agenda: HTML-A11Y Task Force on 18 November at 16:00Z

Agenda: November 15: Canvas Accessibility Working Group

Agenda: November 23: HTML Accessibility Bug Triage Sub-Team

Agenda: November 30: HTML Accessibility Bug Triage Sub-Team

block element inside a(link) element

Bug 8885 - Fallback mechanism for embedded content

Bug-Triage Sub-Team Meeting Tuesday, November 16, 16:00 UTC

CANCELED HTML A11Y TF media and main calls, 24 and 25 November 2010

Categorization of media a11y requirements

Change Proposal text for HTML WG ISSUE-122 (HTML5 section

Change Proposal: ISSUE-122 Text Alternatives

Change Proposals Regarding ISSUE-31

Change Proposals Regarding Missing alt and Conformance (ISSUE 31)

changed order of canvas and ARIA sessions at f2f

discussing issues 133 and 134 on next HTML a11y TF telcon

disposition of ISSUE 30 cited in bug 10967 insufficient

DRAFT analysis of fallback mechanisms for embedded content ACTION-66

heads-up: CANVAS sub-team will meet monday 2010-11-15 at 2000h UTC

Incantation to display all HTML5 bugs with the keyword "media"

ISSUE 128 figure-in-p: Any interest in further proposals? [FWD]

issue 133 change proposals?

ISSUE-122 (shalott-example) - Expanded scope and Call for Counter-Proposals

ISSUE-133 (modal-attribute): Add a modal attribute to html5 to indicate a modal segment of the DOM (modal dialog)

ISSUE-133 modal-attribute: Chairs Solicit Proposals [FWD]

ISSUE-134 (tab-states): Provide tablist and tab states for menu and command elements respectively

Media Accessibility Discussion (Was RE: Adopting the media accessibility requirements))

Minutes from Media Subteam Mega-Telecon on Wednesday 17

Minutes of the HTML Accessibility Bug-Triage Sub-Team teleconference, 9 November 2010

Minutes of the November 16 HTML Accessibility Bug-Triage teleconference

MINUTES: 18 Novemebr 2010 HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

minutes: Canvas Accessibility subteam telecon 2010-11-29 [draft]

minutes: Canvas Subteam of HTML5 Accessibility TF 2010-11-15 [draft]

Minutes: HTML 5 Accessibility Task Force November 11, 2010

minutes: HTML A11y TF Media Subteam TPAC2010 Face2Face meeting [draft]

minutes: HTML Accessibilty TF Canvas Sub-team telecon 2010-11-22 [draft]

Minutes: November 23: HTML Accessibility Bug Triage Sub-Team

minutes: PF Longdesc meeting minutes

PF meeting minutes

Tuesday, November 9, 16:00 UTC - Accessibility Task Force Bug-Triage Sub-Team Meeting

Weekly Resolved & Rejected Bugs Report

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 November 2010 23:52:08 UTC