from January to March 2013 by subject

"Version 1" of the Web Audio spec

[Agenda] Audio WG Teleconference, 10 Jan 2013 (Note: Thursday!)

[Agenda] Audio WG Teleconference, 14 March 2013

[Audio WG] Move to GitHub?

[Audio WG] The group's Twitter account?

[Bug 17325] (ExceptionType): Undefined exception type

[Bug 17351] (addEventListener): AudioNode.addEventListener not defined

[Bug 17396] (numberOfChannels): AudioDestinationNode.numberOfChannels

[Bug 17410] (AudioPannerNodeModels): AudioPannerNode models underdefined

[Bug 17415] (JSWorkers): JavaScriptAudioNode processing in workers

[Bug 17417] Define a security model for requesting access to the MIDIAccess interface

[Bug 17424] Setting sample rates for individual JavaScriptProcessingNodes

[Bug 17493] JSAudioNode should be an EventTarget

[Bug 19764] Note in the spec that AudioParam.minValue/maxValue are merely informational

[Bug 19768] Explicitly mention that the initial value of AudioParam.value will be defaultValue

[Bug 19769] Note that before the first automation event, the computed AudioParam value will be AudioParam.value

[Bug 19770] Note that if the last event for an AudioParam is a setCurveValue event, the computed value after that event will be equal to the latest curve value

[Bug 19803] "Fingerprint" is unclear

[Bug 19910] Disallow AudioContext.createDelay(max) where max <= 0

[Bug 19975] Promote data and timestamp onmessage/MIDIEvent, get rid of MIDIMessage altogether?

[Bug 20039] The callbacks of the decodeAudioData API are underspecified

[Bug 20125] Should detail when exceptions are expected to be thrown

[Bug 20161] Make decodeAudioData neuter its array buffer argument when it begins decoding a buffer, and bring it back to normal when the decoding is finished

[Bug 20241] Make it clear that decodeAudioData needs to resample the buffer

[Bug 20254] Add code examples

[Bug 20364] Interface feedback

[Bug 20376] Change fingerprint to id

[Bug 20381] MIDIInput and MIDIOutput should inherit from MIDIPort, which should not be an interface

[Bug 20411] timestamp in MIDIEvent in odds with DOM4 Event timeStamp?

[Bug 20412] short is the wrong type for data parts, should be octet

[Bug 20415] Add a serializer to MIDIPort

[Bug 20435] Don't inline arrays in send() calls in examples

[Bug 20500] enumerate is misnomer

[Bug 20501] some MIDIPort attributes should be nullable

[Bug 20502] MIDIEvent should have a port attribute

[Bug 20503] requestMidiAccess() permission request

[Bug 20504] Typo: securityError

[Bug 20505] merge getInput, getOutput -> getPort() or getPortById()

[Bug 20506] Do we need MIDIOutput and MIDIInput?

[Bug 20507] Redundant assertion in requestMIDIAccess()

[Bug 20508] "If successCallback is not callable, abort these steps."

[Bug 20509] SHOULD/MUST user permissioning mismatch

[Bug 20510] send(sequence<short> data) should just be send(any data)

[Bug 20511] send(…, DOMHighResTimeStamp? timestamp)

[Bug 20512] MIDIEvent lacking constructor

[Bug 20515] is the MIDIAccess object a singleton?

[Bug 20523] Need alternative to REFERENCE_ERROR

[Bug 20525] MIDIAccess methods aren't restricted to instances created by requestMIDIAccess

[Bug 20681] New: spatial coords should just be in metres

[Bug 20698] Need way to determine "" time of current audio output

[Bug 20698] New: Need way to determine "" time of current audio output

[Bug 20728] New: make 'when' parameter of start() and stop() optional

[Bug 20750] New: Specify exactly what should happen when createScriptProcessor is passed invalid arguments

[Bug 20764] It makes no sense to use EventListener for onaudioprocess if ScriptProcessorNode isn't EventTarget

[Bug 20764] New: It makes no sense to use EventListener for onaudioprocess if ScriptProcessorNode isn't EventTarget

[Bug 20822] New: Clarify the exception codes thrown by AudioParam.exponentialRampToValueAtTime

[Bug 20840] New: Use Web IDL to define OfflineAudioContext's contructor

[Bug 20840] Use Web IDL to define OfflineAudioContext's contructor

[Bug 20841] New: Fix the wording in the AudioDestinationNode spec

[Bug 20842] New: The spec is very vague on the details of OfflineAudioContext creation

[Bug 21223] Mandate a useful accepted sampling rate ranges for buffers created through AudioContext.createBuffer

[Bug 21223] New: Mandate the accepted sampling rate ranges for buffers created through AudioContext.createBuffer

[Bug 21240] New: Specify what should happen when passing invalid offset/duration values to AudioBufferSourceNode.start

[Bug 21240] Specify what should happen when passing invalid offset/duration values to AudioBufferSourceNode.start

[Bug 21248] New: AudioProcessingEvent.node must be readonly

[Bug 21311] New: OfflineAudioContext needs a way to handle audio of arbitrary duration

[Bug 21311] OfflineAudioContext needs a way to handle audio of arbitrary duration

[Bug 21344] behavior not defined when AudioParam setting invalid value

[Bug 21344] New: behavior not defined when AudioParam setting invalid value

[Bug 21345] New: There should be notification when the destination output changed

[Bug 21417] New: Allow the UA to control the buffer size used to call back the AudioProcessingEvent handler

[Bug 21426] New: Specify what should happen when the input channel count changes for delay nodes

[Bug 21445] New: Specify what DynamicsProcessorNode should do

[Bug 21446] New: Specify what AnalyserNode should do

[Minutes] Audio WG teleconference 2013-01-10

[Minutes] Audio WG teleconference 2013-02-14

[Minutes] Audio WG teleconference, 14th March 2013

[Minutes] Audio Wg teleconference, 2013-02-28

[Web MIDI API] send() method should also allow 3 shorts + timestamp

[WebAudio/web-midi-api] 638d5f: Added reference to "octet".

About AudioPannerNode

about deciding the sample rate when AudioContext is created

Action Items housekeepping

Attack, Hold, Decay using linearRampToValueAtTime

Audio EQ Cookbook in the W3C Web Audio API Spec

Audio f2f agenda

Audio tuning with WebRTC

AudioBufferSourceNode issues

AudioNode GC rules

better information on iOS unmute conditions?

Bugzilla export

Call for Agenda Items

Can the number of channels produced by an AudioNode change over time?

can we change the block size?

CfC: Republish Audio Processing Use Cases document as WG Note

Changing sample rate, Web Audio API, getUserMedia -- forward from [chromium-discuss]

Changing the sample rate of the audio device

channel layouts and up/down mixing

ChannelMergerNode mixing semantics seem weird in dynamic situations

Clarification of the AudioParam time/values in the spec

Clarifying the terms "inputs" and "outputs"

constraining sample values to [-1,1] during downmixing

createScriptProcessor crashing chrome canary?

Creating ADSR Envelopes

Daylight Saving Time change –first half of 2013

Determining Output Latency

Different results in decodeAudioData?

downmixing rules are path-dependent

DSP API experimental implementation

Dynamic change of Audio Destination

FTF - reception is on fourth floor<eom>

Fwd: Daylight Saving Time change –first half of 2013

FYI - GDConf audio track - around the same time as our f2f meeting

idea for audio and video tags in html5

Implementation news - Mozilla

iOS 6.1 regression?

ISSUE-108: Change the deprecation text to remove the recommendation to implement the deprecated methods

logistics info for the next F2F meeting at Google San Francisco March 26/27

Looping a specific number of times

make 'when' parameter of start() and stop() optional?

MIDI issues

More details about channel up and down-mixing

MSE and webaudio (Was: Progressive audio data decoding)

New "Web Audio Developers Community Group" created

Next Teleconference Thursday 14th February

Next Teleconferences: 14th Feb, 28th Feb, 14th Mar, f2f 26-27 Mar 2013

Noteflight on Web Audio at NAMM

OfflineAudioContext Concerns

OfflineAudioContext specification gaps

On the Wiki: activity stream updated, f2f page

ondisconnect, was Re: Should MIDIInput use a callback instead of events?

Please Register: Audio WG f2f in San Francisco, 26-27 March 2013

Problems with multiple functioncalls on the outputbuffer in a ScriptProcessorNode

Progressive audio data decoding

Proposal re: MediaStream Processing API

Query: Audio Recording(Accessing microphone)

Relative pace of our specs (Was: Vendor implementation status: Web MIDI API)

Script Processor onaudioprocess() gives up the ghost?

ScriptProccessor events are stopping atfer a short while

Should MIDIInput use a callback instead of events?

Some additional requirements for the ScriptProcessorNode ..

stability of AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackState, and activeSourceCount

Teleconference on Thursday 24th - cancelled.

Teleconference Thursday 28th February

The issue of ScriptProcessorNode not being an EventTarget

Vendor implementation status: Web MIDI API

Web Audio Api help

Web Audio API spec: readonly & LFO

Web Audio at NAMM

web audio conformance test framework

Web Audio declarations file for typescript

Web Audio Processing: Use Cases and Requirements is a W3C WG NOTE

webaudio developers list/forum

Yamaha at WG F2F meeting.

Last message date: Saturday, 30 March 2013 22:06:08 UTC