Re: Different results in decodeAudioData?

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 6:40 AM, Peter van der Noord

> I'm creating a little music-engine where a collection of mp3's can be
> grouped and seamlessly looped. Due to the nature of mp3s, this requires to
> set the actual looping points of all mp3 in the decoded data beforehand, so
> we know exactly which bytes to play.
> I set the looppoints for some testfiles at home, but when i checked the
> project at work, i noticed that they were all placed incorrectly, so it
> seems that different browsers can decode mp3files differently (this was all
> in chrome btw). Is this just

Were you running the same version of chrome at home and at work?

> how it is, and will my method therefor not work crossbrowser (without me
> having to set those looppoints for each brower+version)?
I don't have a definitive answer for this, but some time ago, I
created a little
test <>that
plots some audio files.  If you look at the top of the plot, it lists
how many samples were decoded for each file.  (The original source is
exactly 1 sec of audio at 44.1kHz.)  I know this number varies between
chrome and safari and may also vary between different versions of chrome.


Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2013 21:18:57 UTC