XSD extension proposal: customizing error messages
min/maxOccurs in group ref
A XPath expresion
attribute type
Implicit vs explicit datatype semantic.
anySimpleType/anyType/ur-type as baseType of a user defined type?
Using of DTD entities in XML schema
"schemana nil-able decimal"
Can a Global Element have a minOccurs and maxOccurs?
- Re: Can a Global Element have a minOccurs and maxOccurs?
- Re: Can a Global Element have a minOccurs and maxOccurs?
only one of the element is req but not both...
New release of XSV: significant change
Confirmation welcome, --31, --30, --29 and -02-29 oddities...
schema docs
RE: Is it legitimate to compare 2 dateTime without timezones?
Is it legitim to compare 2 dateTime without timezones?
real world usage of gMonth
xs:datetime are hours and minutes optional or not?
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Xerces-C++ 1.5.2. is now ready!!!
XML-Schema, and introductory tutorial
[Ann] Updated version of my tutorial
Schemas Identity Constraint
[ANN] Free Windows tool supports XML Schema with embedded Schematron
Recursion in XML Schema
Typo in section 3.4.2
A sixth space needed for xs:NOTATION?
xs:anyURI and xml:base
QNames without prefix
Re: clarification/errata: circular attributeGroup, ur-type & include
- Re: clarification/errata: circular attributeGroup, ur-type & include
- Re: clarification/errata: circular attributeGroup, ur-type & include
- Re: clarification/errata: circular attributeGroup, ur-type & include
- Re: clarification/errata: circular attributeGroup, ur-type & include
- Re: clarification/errata: circular attributeGroup, ur-type & include
attribute validation
Identity Constraints
AW: HELP!!!--- SImple Type
HELP!!!--- SImple Type
Re: MS SQL Server DateTime Type
FW: constraining an element to be either simple or complex conten t
Schema not working
Restricting mixed to simple (was Re: constraining an element to be either simple or complex content)
Using either simple or element content
block attribute
Required attribute 'ref' of parent element
ANNOUNCE: XML Spy 4.1 Suite now available - adds support for XSL:FO (Formatting Objects) and PDF conversion
constraining an element to be either simple or complex content
- Re: constraining an element to be either simple or complex content
- RE: constraining an element to be either simple or complex content
- RE: constraining an element to be either simple or complex content
trouble with "What's in the target Namespace?"
- RE: trouble with "What's in the target Namespace?"
- RE: trouble with "What's in the target Namespace?"
- RE: trouble with "What's in the target Namespace?"
- Re: trouble with "What's in the target Namespace?"
Validity constraint: ID Attribute Default in XML Schema.
- Re: Validity constraint: ID Attribute Default in XML Schema.
- Re: Validity constraint: ID Attribute Default in XML Schema.
- Re: Validity constraint: ID Attribute Default in XML Schema.
Length of a QName (ie length of a tuple)
How we can use targetNamespace?
More surprises (ID, ENTITY, NOTATION, ...)
- Re: More surprises (ID, ENTITY, NOTATION, ...)
- Re: More surprises (ID, ENTITY, NOTATION, ...)
- Re: More surprises (ID, ENTITY, NOTATION, ...)
Surprising tokens!
W3C XML Schema processing architecture
XSV issue with non-deterministic wildcards
New release of XML Schema Test Collection (finally)
- Re: New release of XML Schema Test Collection (finally)
- Re: New release of XML Schema Test Collection (finally)
- Re: New release of XML Schema Test Collection (finally)
- Re: New release of XML Schema Test Collection (finally)
Nested Elements in Schema
Is <pattern value="(.)+\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp)"/> allowed?
meaning of dot in xpath expressions in keys?
[xmlschema-dev] <none>
Including schemas with no targetnamespace
- Re: Including schemas with no targetnamespace
- RE: Including schemas with no targetnamespace
- RE: Including schemas with no targetnamespace
- Re: Including schemas with no targetnamespace
Announce: XSBROWSER v2.0 released
Mixed content models and derivation
Schema 'include' clause incorporating a variable.
How to derive a type (in an extended schema using <redefine>) effectively augmenting <choice> or <all> particles
<group> legal under <extension>?
Attribute as well as textvalue
Derivation by restriction Q?
Validating xml file with schema using xerces-j
How to Fill values of an XML File from DB -- Kumar
schema not working
Illegal use of unique? I need it. Microsoft supports it. Alternatives?
- Re: Illegal use of unique? I need it. Microsoft supports it. Alternatives?
- Re: Illegal use of unique? I need it. Microsoft supports it. Alternatives?
Schema being imported multiple times
- Re: Schema being imported multiple times
- Re: Schema being imported multiple times
- Re: Schema being imported multiple times
- Re: Schema being imported multiple times
- Re: Schema being imported multiple times
- Re: Schema being imported multiple times
- RE: Schema being imported multiple times
- RE: Schema being imported multiple times
using xml schemas
(invalid?) floats and doubles in NIST's validation testsuite
W3 XML Schema Test Collection Missing
XML Schema/XSL conflict (can't differentiate unqualified locals)?
Relative order of memberTypes and embedded simple type definition.
RE: whiteSpace weirdness
Why can minExclusive be equal to maxExclusive?
Isn't maxExclusive too... exclusive ?
xs:whiteSpace weirdness
Number of occurrences of each facet
to know about the attributes
what namespace for unqualified locals?
attribute constraints
key constraints mechanism too weak?
Re: MSXML4 schema validation error line number
Confused about name-space declarations..
- Re: Confused about name-space declarations..
- Re: Confused about name-space declarations..
- Re: Confused about name-space declarations..
- Re: Confused about name-space declarations..
- Re: Confused about name-space declarations..
XML Schemas for Organisational Structure
XSV handling of other-namespace attributes
XML - Schema Validation Issue
Group : Model content and occurence specifications
- Re: Group : Model content and occurence specifications
- Re: Group : Model content and occurence specifications
Validation problem again !
Re: XML Schema validation
key/keyref selector
Re: Problem with Chameleon include and latest XSV
Re: xs:any / xsi:type == 1 repro case for 3 validators (xerces, xml spy and xsv)
Problems with schemas - is it me, or xerces-j?
Re: how do I express this content model?
(Blurble!?!!) Confused brain....
xsv attribute name attribute error
True vs true in XSchema
Union of attribute uses
- Re: Union of attribute uses
- Re: Union of attribute uses
- Re: Union of attribute uses
- Re: Union of attribute uses
- Re: Union of attribute uses