Re: Including schemas with no targetnamespace

> Another way to think of it is that the schema is built, connections
> made, etc., and _then_ <include>d.  <include> is _not_ a textual
> inclusion, it is specified and must be implemented at the component
> level.

This is interesting, as I think such a "repairing" is only possible by
textual inclusion.

In the table of section 3.3.2, the spec says:

> otherwise (the <element> element information item has <complexType> or
> <group> as an ancestor and the ref [attribute] is present), the
> corresponding schema component is as follows:


> {term}
>     The (top-level) element declaration *resolved* to by the *actual
>     value* of the ref [attribute]. 

Since you are saying that inclusion is done at the component level, 

     <xsd:element ref="color"/> 

has to be compiled into a Particle component, whose "term" property is 
("","color") before the inclusion takes place.

Now would you tell me when in the inclusion process this term property
is modified to ("","color")? And where
in the spec is that stated?

Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI                          +1 650 786 0721
Sun Microsystems         

Received on Monday, 15 October 2001 15:48:54 UTC