xmlschema-dev@w3.org from October 2001 by subject

"schemana nil-able decimal"

(Blurble!?!!) Confused brain....

(invalid?) floats and doubles in NIST's validation testsuite

<group> legal under <extension>?

[ANN] Free Windows tool supports XML Schema with embedded Schematron

[Ann] Updated version of my tutorial

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Xerces-C++ 1.5.2. is now ready!!!

[xmlschema-dev] <none>

[xsl] XML Schema/XSL conflict (can't differentiate unqualified locals)?

A sixth space needed for xs:NOTATION?

A XPath expresion

ANNOUNCE: XML Spy 4.1 Suite now available - adds support for XSL:FO (Formatting Objects) and PDF conversion

Announce: XSBROWSER v2.0 released

anySimpleType/anyType/ur-type as baseType of a user defined type?

Attribute as well as textvalue

attribute constraints

attribute type

attribute validation

AW: HELP!!!--- SImple Type

block attribute

Can a Global Element have a minOccurs and maxOccurs?

clarification/errata: circular attributeGroup, ur-type & include

Confirmation welcome, --31, --30, --29 and -02-29 oddities...

Confused about name-space declarations..

constraining an element to be either simple or complex conten t

constraining an element to be either simple or complex content

Constraint on the lexical space of xs:float (was Re: (invalid?) floats and doubles in NIST's validation testsuite)

Derivation by restriction Q?


Group : Model content and occurence specifications

HELP!!!--- SImple Type

how do I express this content model?

How to derive a type (in an extended schema using <redefine>) effectively augmenting <choice> or <all> particles

How to Fill values of an XML File from DB -- Kumar

How we can use targetNamespace?

Identity Constraints

Illegal use of unique? I need it. Microsoft supports it. Alternatives?

Implicit vs explicit datatype semantic.

Includes with different target namespace?

Including schemas with no targetnamespace


Is <pattern value="(.)+\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp)"/> allowed?

Is it legitim to compare 2 dateTime without timezones?

Is it legitimate to compare 2 dateTime without timezones?

Isn't maxExclusive too... exclusive ?

key constraints mechanism too weak?

key/keyref selector

Length of a QName (ie length of a tuple)

meaning of dot in xpath expressions in keys?

min/maxOccurs in group ref

Mixed content models and derivation

More surprises (ID, ENTITY, NOTATION, ...)

MS SQL Server DateTime Type

MSXML4 schema validation error line number


Nested Elements in Schema

New release of XML Schema Test Collection (finally)

New release of XSV: significant change

Number of occurrences of each facet

only one of the element is req but not both...

Problem with Chameleon include and latest XSV

Problems with schemas - is it me, or xerces-j?

processing query

QNames without prefix

real world usage of gMonth

Recursion in XML Schema

Relative order of memberTypes and embedded simple type definition.

Required attribute 'ref' of parent element

Restricting mixed to simple (was Re: constraining an element to be either simple or complex content)

Schema 'include' clause incorporating a variable.

Schema being imported multiple times

schema docs

Schema not working

Schemas Identity Constraint

Surprising tokens!

to know about the attributes

trouble with "What's in the target Namespace?"

True vs true in XSchema

Typo in section 3.4.2

Union of attribute uses

Using either simple or element content

Using of DTD entities in XML schema

using xml schemas

Validating xml file with schema using xerces-j

Validation problem again !

Validity constraint: ID Attribute Default in XML Schema.

W3 XML Schema Test Collection Missing

W3C XML Schema processing architecture

what namespace for unqualified locals?

whiteSpace weirdness

Why can minExclusive be equal to maxExclusive?

XML - Schema Validation Issue

XML Schema validation

XML Schema/XSL conflict (can't differentiate unqualified locals)?

XML Schemas for Organisational Structure

XML-Schema, and introductory tutorial

xs:any / xsi:type == 1 repro case for 3 validators (xerces, xml spy and xsv)

xs:anyURI and xml:base

xs:datetime are hours and minutes optional or not?

xs:whiteSpace weirdness

XSD extension proposal: customizing error messages

xsi:type and xs:all : second test case, same players, different errors.

xsv attribute name attribute error

XSV handling of other-namespace attributes

XSV issue with non-deterministic wildcards

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 October 2001 21:53:55 UTC