www-international@w3.org from July to September 2016 by subject

[activitystreams] Issue: **Map fields become a SHOULD marked as i18n

[activitystreams] Issue: Clarify that zone offsets in times do not indicate local time marked as i18n

[activitystreams] Issue: Default Language Context MAY -> SHOULD marked as i18n

[activitystreams] Issue: How to know the language of a natural language value when there is no translation? marked as i18n

[activitystreams] Issue: Internationalize IRI in example 3 marked as i18n

[activitystreams] Issue: It should be possible to indicate the default base direction for natural language values marked as i18n

[activitystreams] Issue: Linking to RFC 3339 for duration is dubious marked as i18n

[activitystreams] Issue: RFC 5646 listed as informative reference marked as i18n

[activitystreams] Issue: Spanish translations marked as i18n

[activitystreams] Issue: Use BCP 47 rather than RFC 5646 marked as i18n

[activitystreams] Issue: Why exclude markup from name? marked as i18n

[bp-i18n-specdev] Should also mention ALM beside LRM and RLM

[bp-i18n-specdev] Should include advice on specifying what a letter is.

[bp-i18n-specdev] Should include advice on what "White-space" is.

[bp-i18n-specdev] Some "problems with control characters" are not exclusive to CC, but also apply to markup

[bp-i18n-specdev] Use locale-neutral data representations

[charmod-norm] Alter C9 to allow for text transforms

[charmod-norm] Case matching example seems wrong

[css-text] Enclosed alphanumerics and text-align:capitalize

[css-text] I18N-ISSUE-334: 'letter-spacing' and Indic

[css-text] i18n-ISSUE-354: Questions about letter-spacing for Arabic script

[css-writing-modes] Does not mention "auto" for the "direction" property

[csswg-drafts] Issue: [css-counter-styles] Language-dependent symbols marked as i18n

[csswg-drafts] Issue: [css-text-3] Segment Break Transformation Rules for East Asian Width property of A marked as i18n

[csswg-drafts] Issue: [css-text-4] Clarify text-spacing: punctuation marked as i18n

[csswg-drafts] Issue: [css22] Character encoding of documents marked as i18n

[CSSWG][css-writing-modes] Does not mention "auto" for the "direction" property

[dpub-pagination] Issue: Other layout requirements marked as i18n

[dpub-pagination] Issue: Quotation Marks are Different in Other Languages marked as i18n

[dpub-pagination] Issue: Refer to i18n test pages marked as i18n

[dpub-pagination] Issue: Ruby clarification on specs marked as i18n

[dpub-pagination] Issue: Vertical text support in Edge marked as i18n

[dpub-pagination] Issue: What Latin means marked as i18n

[DWBP] i18n review and feedback

[html] Issue: "valid email address" doesn't allow IDNs… marked as i18n

[html] Issue: rb and rtc should not be non-conforming in html5.1 marked as i18n

[i18n review comment] A number of vocabulary items need language/direction/etc. metadata #193

[i18n review comment] Best practice for including language and direction metadata? #190

[i18n review comment] BP3 should recommend locale-neutral representation #187

[i18n review comment] Country code reference is wrong. #192

[i18n review comment] Locale references to BCP47 and CLDR #189

[i18n review comment] Mention the need for metadata in multiple human languages #19

[i18n review comment] Reference locale-neutral in BP13? #191

[i18n review comment] Should there be a Best Practice to use Unicode and/or UTF-8?

[i18n review comment] Spelling of locale (editorial)

[i18n review comments] Encoding of text/plain in example (editorial)

[i18n-activity] rb and rtc non-conforming in html5.1

[minutes] Internationalization telecon 2016-07-07

[minutes] Internationalization telecon 2016-07-14

[minutes] Internationalization telecon 2016-07-21

[minutes] Internationalization telecon 2016-08-04 with Social Web WG

[minutes] Internationalization telecon 2016-08-11

[minutes] Internationalization telecon 2016-08-26

[minutes] Internationalization telecon 2016-09-01

[minutes] Internationalization telecon 2016-09-08

[minutes] Internationalization telecon 2016-09-29

[minutes] TPAC Internationalization meeting

[predefined-counter-styles] `lower-roman` with final j

[predefined-counter-styles] Add examples from css-counter-styles

[predefined-counter-styles] Astronomic and astrologic (symbolic/emoji) styles

[predefined-counter-styles] Clock face emoji counter style

[predefined-counter-styles] Emoji decimal styles

[predefined-counter-styles] Old Chinese Counting Rods

[predefined-counter-styles] Persian Alphabetic and Persian Abjad also used for Arabic

[predefined-counter-styles] ‘fullwidth-’, ‘circled-’ and similar styles

[presentation-api] list of displays: should it address display name, language, etc.?

[svgwg] Issue: 'typographic character' should mention grapheme clusters marked as i18n

[svgwg] Issue: definition of character marked as i18n

[svgwg] Issue: inline-base direction marked as i18n

[svgwg] Issue: Rotating text marked as i18n

[svgwg] Issue: UTF-16 code points for addressable characters marked as i18n

[web-annotation] Issue: Clarify principle that features of external resources are not authoritative marked as i18n-review

[web-annotation] Issue: ed sugg: textDirection marked as i18n-review

[web-annotation] Issue: Processing language for mono-lingual and internationalized resources marked as i18n-review

[web-annotation] Issue: processLanguage description improvement suggestion marked as i18n-review

[web-annotation] Issue: Relationship between dc:language and processing language for multilingual resources marked as i18n-review

[web-annotation] Issue: Replace textDirection property with recommendation for including control characters in the text marked as i18n-review

[web-annotation] Issue: TextPositionSelector, thoughts about Unicode code *point* vs. UTF16 code *unit* marked as i18n-review

[web-annotation] Issue: The textDirection and processingLanguage properties are not needed marked as i18n-review

[webmention] Issue: section 3.1.2 charset marked as i18n

[webmention] Issue: section 3.2: no character encoding on response examples marked as i18n

[webmention] Issue: Section 3.2: no language support marked as i18n

Activity streams review comment status

Call for Reviews! [I18N-ACTION-216]

Closed: [activitystreams] **Map fields become a SHOULD

Closed: [activitystreams] Clarify that zone offsets in times do not indicate local time

Closed: [activitystreams] Default Language Context MAY -> SHOULD

Closed: [activitystreams] How to know the language of a natural language value when there is no translation?

Closed: [activitystreams] Internationalize IRI in example 3

Closed: [activitystreams] It should be possible to indicate the default base direction for natural language values

Closed: [activitystreams] Linking to RFC 3339 for duration is dubious

Closed: [activitystreams] RFC 5646 listed as informative reference

Closed: [activitystreams] Spanish translations

Closed: [activitystreams] Use BCP 47 rather than RFC 5646

Closed: [activitystreams] Why exclude markup from name?

Closed: [charmod-norm] Case matching example seems wrong

Closed: [csswg-drafts] [css-text-3] Line breaking opportunities at the boundary of a white-space:pre inline element

Closed: [dpub-pagination] Other layout requirements

Closed: [dpub-pagination] Vertical text support in Edge

Closed: [dpub-pagination] What Latin means

Closed: [html] example of language detection fallback, no mention of pragma

Closed: [html] Is input type=datetime implemented?

Closed: [html] rb and rtc should not be non-conforming in html5.1

Closed: [predefined-counter-styles] Add examples from css-counter-styles

Closed: [predefined-counter-styles] Astronomic and astrologic (symbolic/emoji) styles

Closed: [predefined-counter-styles] Clock face emoji counter style

Closed: [predefined-counter-styles] Emoji decimal styles

Closed: [presentation-api] list of displays: should it address display name, language, etc.?

Closed: [web-annotation] Clarify principle that features of external resources are not authoritative

Closed: [web-annotation] Replace textDirection property with recommendation for including control characters in the text

Closed: [web-annotation] TextPositionSelector, thoughts about Unicode code *point* vs. UTF16 code *unit*

Closed: [webmention] section 3.1.2 charset

Closed: [webmention] section 3.2: no character encoding on response examples

Closed: [webmention] Section 3.2: no language support

First Public Working Draft: Ethiopic Layout Requirements


i18n-ISSUE-212: Prevent the use of currency synonyms

i18n-ISSUE-214: Improper use of languageCode

Proposed changes to i18n Checker

Requesting i18n review for ActivityPub

Requesting i18n review of Linked Data Notifications

Review list page improved

Review request: Time Ontology in OWL

Support the bug for counter-styles in Chrome

SVG 2 review request

Text Justification Infos

TTML2 horizontal review with I18N.

Updated article: Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm basics

WebAuthn API Specification Review

Wiki page listing non-english sites

Last message date: Friday, 30 September 2016 19:22:33 UTC