Re: Updated article: Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm basics


I think that an unstated goal of your text is to tell people "how to 
manage" bidi texts in a very high-level way.

To that end, I would move the trailing exclamation mark example up into 
the discussion of base direction.

I would then change the "Beyond the algorithm..." section to "Isolating 
text passages" and make it explicitly about how isolation works by 
mentioning how to achieve it in HTML in the same general way you 
explained how to set base direction.

After "numbers", I would have a (short) section on paired punctuation 
with an example or two. Handling pairs, and nested pairs, is now a 
function of the UBA.

Finally, the very last paragraph points to other resources, it needs a 
header of its own, unless you want to make it part of "Further Reading".


Received on Monday, 25 July 2016 19:42:18 UTC