Re: [CSSWG][css-writing-modes] Does not mention "auto" for the "direction" property

On 09/21/2016 06:28 PM, Lina Kemmel wrote:
> "2.1. Specifying Directionality: the direction property" section
> only mentions "ltr" and "rtl" as the permissible values for the
> "direction" property.
> This is not aligned with HTML5, which also tolerates "auto"
> (for the "dir" attribute -
> Is there any rationale for that?

Yes. "auto" is computed to either LTR or RTL at the HTML so that the
result can be selected by the :dir() selectors. This was an explicit
design decision when dir=auto was introduced.

(Also, the [CSSWG] tag is used for official CSSWG announcements;
you just need the spec tag, in this case css-writing-modes, for
your subject.]


Received on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 22:37:58 UTC