w3c-dist-auth@w3.org from April to June 1999 by subject

[Moderator Action] Re: use of attribute to qualify property value

A proposal for Advanced Collection binding semantics

A proposal for Advanced Collection binding semantics, UNBIND before BIND

A question

Adv. Col. teleconference minutes 4/13/99

Adv. Col. teleconference minutes 4/20/99

Adv. Col. teleconference minutes 4/6/99

Adv. Collections teleconference 5/4/99 Minutes

Advanced collections and ordering

Advanced Collections with Bindings

Agenda for WebDAV WG Meeting, 7/15/99 Oslo

April 27, 1999 Adv. Col. teleconference minutes

April 27, 1999 Adv. Col. teleconference minutes, dynamic content

BIND forest question

DAV properties, compliance requirements

DAV4J Update

DELETE in WebDAV Advanced Collections

DELETE in WebDAV Collections

DELETE in WebDAV Collections, URI to filename mappings, legacy servers

DELETE Semantics in Advanced Collections


DESTROY considered harmful

Disappearing Locks

Dublin Core in WebDAV, revisited

Dublin Core in WebDAV, revisited (resend)

Dublin Core metadata supported in Open eBook Draft Specification

Fun with Moves and Copy

FYI: IETF and Open Source

Glyphica has a beta-test WebDAV server...

Handling errors in DAV:propertyupdate

How to succeed with the IESG

href element, type of URI inside?

HTTP-date in <DAV:getlastmodified>

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-webdav-collection-protocol-04.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-webdav-collection-reqts-05.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-webdav-dublin-core-01.txt

IBM DAV4J available on alphaworks

IE5 bug, was... RE: MKCOL with entity request body

Integrity of bindings

Interim Adv. Col. spec. available

Interim Adv. Collections spec. available (-03.3)

Interop: sitecopy update

iscollection & ishidden

LOCK and RFC 2518

Locking a Resource or Locking a URL?

Locks and Moves

Minutes and slides from IETF-44 on Web

Minutes from 3/30/99 Adv. Col. teleconference

Minutes from 5/11/99 Adv. Col. teleconference

MKCOL entity request body

MKCOL with entity request body

Must PROPPATCH operation be atomic...

New Advanced Collections I-Ds submitted

New status code: unordered collection

Please help me...remove myself from this mail list...

Proposal: BIND method

PROPPATCH responses

PUT on collections

Question on uniqueness of exclusive locks

rfc2518, MKCOL and parent directory

Section 23.4 Appendix 4 - XML Namespace in WebDAV

Some problems with the WebDAV protocol

Some problems with the WebDAV protocol (part 1: philosophy)

Some problems with the WebDAV protocol (part 2: DELETE)

Some reference definitions

State-Lock [was Re: Proposal: BIND method]

Subscribing and unsubscribing

Updated issues list

use of attribute to qualify property value

Version issues

W3C note available on how to avoid the lost update problem using HTTP/1.1

Web Folders interoperability with Authentication?

WebDAV WG meeting at Oslo IETF

WebDAV Working Group Status

Win98 'Web Folders'?

Working group last call: Requirements for DAV Searching and Locating

Last message date: Monday, 28 June 1999 09:01:45 UTC