RE: Some problems with the WebDAV protocol (part 1: philosophy)

At 15:06 4/26/99 PDT, Larry Masinter wrote:
>> >My belief is that HTTP interoperability testing for PUT and
>> >DELETE has been superficial.
>What I meant was that while we gave people a chart to fill out
>for PUT and DELETE with "No (not implemented), Yes (implemented),
>Tested (against two independent implementations)", I'm not sure
>exactly what they tested, and whether they tested error cases
>and the handling of response codes, and whether there was a clear
>matching of expectiations of what the state of the resources might
>or might not be after the operations were completed. 

So is the case for all other features of HTTP/1.1 listed on the form. It is
not more likely to catch a problem if you try millions of times if you
still don't happen to try the specific thing that triggers the problem. I
believe we found the serious problems for PUT and DELETE just as we did for
other HTTP methods.

>> In the later case, there is plenty examples of HTTP/1.1 working just fine,
>> see for example
>which is fully implemented and supported in libwww, jigsaw, and amaya.
>This isn't part of the HTTP/1.1 spec, though. And it requires some amount
>of support for etags in association with documents that are being PUT.

Sure it is - it's plain old HTTP/1.1 - no extensions what so ever and it is
all described in the spec.

Henrik Frystyk Nielsen,
World Wide Web Consortium

Received on Wednesday, 28 April 1999 10:36:45 UTC