Re: Advanced collections and ordering

"Geoffrey M. Clemm" wrote:

> And based on a few minutes of thought (and therefore at risk of being
> significantly wrong :-), I believe that the new "bind" style advanced
> collections being proposed would be very compatible with a server that
> wanted to present several "ordered collections" containing the same
> resources, but sorted by different orderings.

Mmm, that sounds like it'd be good for read-only, but you could run into trouble if
you wanted to add a resource to one of the orderings.

|John Stracke    | My opinions are my own | S/MIME & HTML OK  |
|Chief Scientist | NT's lack of reliability is only surpassed |
|eCal Corp.      |  by its lack of scalability. -- John Kirch |

Received on Monday, 12 April 1999 13:24:58 UTC