Re: DELETE Semantics in Advanced Collections

"Slein, Judith A" wrote:

> URL Mapping
>      An association between an absolute URL or URI and a resource. It
>      is possible for a resource to have zero, one, many, or even an
>      infinite number of URL mappings to URLs or URIs.

Interesting epistemological point (which, like most epistemological points, is
an irrelevancy not meant to sway the discussion one way or another): if it has
zero URL mappings, is it a resource? A resource is something that responds to
methods; if there are no URLs for it, it can't receive any methods, so you
can't tell whether it would respond to them or not.  :-)

|John Stracke    | My opinions are my own | S/MIME & HTML OK  |
|Chief Scientist | NT's lack of reliability is only surpassed |
|eCal Corp.      |  by its lack of scalability. -- John Kirch |

Received on Saturday, 22 May 1999 09:40:27 UTC