RE: IBM DAV4J available on alphaworks

Yes, the WebDAV URL is incorrect. I used version 10, not version 08. It must
have come from documentation that didn't get updated.

Note also that the URL to alphaworks is It's just alphaworks for me. Sorry for
the confusion.

Jim Whitehead <> on 05/11/99 02:00:12 PM

Please respond to

To:   Jim Amsden/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS

Subject:  RE: IBM DAV4J available on alphaworks

Hi Jim,

Congratulations on the release of DAV4J!

>    WebDAV
>    is described in the IETF draft specification
>    xt.

Yikes!  I'm hoping this doesn't mean DAV4J only implements the protocol as
of the -08 specification.  Is there any chance this could be updated to
point to the RFC:

- Jim

Received on Tuesday, 11 May 1999 17:51:45 UTC