from November 2006 by subject

[Bug 3793] Add example about policies in the context of relationships between multiple entities

[VER 2] Agenda: WS-Policy WG Teleconference 17 - 2006-11-15

[VER 3] Agenda: WS-Policy WG Teleconference 15 - 2006-11-01

[VER2] Agenda: WS-Policy WG F2F 16 - 2006-11-07 to 2006-11-09

[VER3] Agenda: WS-Policy WG F2F 16 - 2006-11-07 to 2006-11-09

ACTION 155: Draft proposed clarifications in 2.6 on use of the mtom assertion as an optional assertion

Action Item re affects from nesting of policy assertions

Action-151 (was RE: Proposed Resolution - 3721 and 3789

ACTION-69 - Nov 3rd Editors' Drafts

Agenda: WS-Policy WG F2F 16 - 2006-11-07 to 2006-11-09

Agenda: WS-Policy WG Teleconference 17 - 2006-11-15

Agenda: WS-Policy WG Teleconference 18 - 2006-11-29

Agenda: WS-Policy WG Teleconference 19 - 2006-12-06


Assertion guidelines new version

Concrete Proposal Around 3619

discussion on 3619

editorial bug in framework section 4.1

Editors Action 12 Resolution

Editors Drafts Nov 9th ready

Fourth Editors' Drafts

Guidelines Document

ISSUE (3639) Which policy alternative was selected?

Issue 3564 (was RE: Assertion guidelines new version

Issue 3794 proposal

Issue 3961 (was RE: editorial bug in framework section 4.1

NEW ISSUE 3965: Clarify text surrounding PolicyReference and for usage of wsp:Name attribute (primer)

NEW ISSUE 3966: Inconsistency in Primer re: PolicyReference Extensibility

NEW ISSUE :Clarify usage of assertions with no behavioral req uirements on the requester

NEW ISSUE :Clarify usage of assertions with no behavioral requirements on the requester

NEW ISSUE: 3978 [Guidelines] Clarify if Section 7 on defining new policy attachment mechanisms is necessary

NEW ISSUE: 3979 [Guidelines] Clarify the guidance in section 5.9.1 on referencing policy

NEW ISSUE: 3980 [Guidelines] Should Assume Basic Understanding of WS-Policy

NEW ISSUE: 3981 [Guidelines] Section 4 Relevance to Assertion Design

NEW ISSUE: 3982 [Guidelines] The introduction should state that the document only targets policy assertion authors

NEW ISSUE: 3983 [Guidelines] Use 'Assertion Author (s)' Consistently

NEW ISSUE: 3984 [Guidelines] Assertion Parameters vs. Name Value Pairs

NEW ISSUE: 3985 [Guidelines] Section 5.3.1 should use the definition of policy assertion parameters from the Framework spec

NEW ISSUE: 3986 [Guidelines] Parameter vs. Nested Policy Decision at Domain Level?

NEW ISSUE: 3987 [Guidelines] Section 5.9 - Lifecycle of Assertions?

NEW ISSUE: 3988 [Guidelines] Section 8 Doesn't Illustrate How to Design an Assertion

NEW ISSUE: 3989 [Guidelines] Suggested Format

NEW ISSUE: 3990 [Guidelines] Content in Section 5.7 is unclear

NEW ISSUE: [Guidelines] Clarify if Section 7 on defining new policy attachment mechanisms is necessary

NEW ISSUE: Change optional example from MTOM to security (Gui delines and Primer)

NEW ISSUE: Change optional example from MTOM to security (Guidelines and Primer)

NEW ISSUE: New Attribute keyword to identify 'local' policies #3721

NEW ISSUE: Remove language that use of security policy assertions forces nested assertions for other domains (guidelines)

Notes - Treasure Hunt - Nov 7th 2006

On resolutions for 3721 and 3789

Policy alternatives (Was : Clarify usage...)

Proposed Resolution - 3721 and 3789

Proposed Resolution: 3599 and 3730

Regrets for tomorrow

Regrets for Tues

regrets from Toufic Boubez (by proxy)

Revised proposal for Bug 3730

Rough draft of WSDL 1.1 Element Identifiers Note

Updated wsd11elementidentifers

Updated WSDL EI

WS-Policy f2f apologies

WSDL 1.1 element identifiers extensions, not defined

WSDL 1.1 element identifiers review

WWW2007 cfp

Last message date: Thursday, 30 November 2006 23:39:59 UTC