NEW ISSUE: 3988 [Guidelines] Section 8 Doesn't Illustrate How to Design an Assertion

Title: Section 8 doesn't illustrate how to design an assertion.


Section 8 [1] in the Guidelines document describes a scenario and
illustrates how to use transport binding security policy assertion (and
other assertions such as addressing and asymmetric binding), how to name
and reference policy expressions, how to attach policy expressions to
WSDL 11 constructs, etc. Such topics are widely covered in the Primer.

Given the scope of this document - 'Guidelines for Policy Assertion
Authors' - it will be very useful to illustrate how to design an
assertion by answering a set of questions identified by this document
and applying best practices or guidelines outlined in this document.

Justification: The Guidelines document is for the assertion authors. The
Guidelines document should illustrate how to design an assertion using a
concrete example. Illustrating how to use policy features should be
delegated to the Primer.

Proposal: Illustrate the design of one or more existing assertions from
the WS-SecurityPolicy specification (and or from another assertion


Asir S Vedamuthu
Microsoft Corporation

Received on Saturday, 18 November 2006 01:54:33 UTC