NEW ISSUE: 3979 [Guidelines] Clarify the guidance in section 5.9.1 on referencing policy

Title: [Guidelines] Clarify the guidance in section 5.9.1 on referencing policy expressions

Description: Section 5.9.1 in the Guidelines document currently recommends that policy assertion authors "consider specifying or recommending naming conventions in order to promote reuse" through policy referencing [1].  It is not clear how using naming conventions for policies promotes reuse.  No examples of useful naming conventions are given.  This section appears unnecessary.

Justification: Section 5.9.1 provides unclear guidance that could result in confusion.

Target: Guidelines for Assertion Authors

Proposal: Remove section 5.9.1 or clarify the text.


Received on Saturday, 18 November 2006 01:35:32 UTC