WSDL 1.1 element identifiers review

Latest version from DaveO

Substantive issue:

Please change the following 2 rows

Message 	portType	operation	message
Reference	NCName 	NCName 	NCName 				wsdl11.portTypeMessageReference(portType/operation/message)

Operation 	portType	operation	fault
Fault		NCName	NCName	QName 	wsdl11.portTypeOperationFault(portType/operation/fault)

In this syntax, in the first row, the last value of the last variable is either "input" or "output".  These are two fixed values.  They are not component names.  Thus, we recommend the following syntax.  This does not require the message name which is an advantage in the case where the message is defined using an extension.  See the example in the document.

Message 	portType	operation	
Reference	NCName 	NCName 					wsdl11.portTypeMessageInput(portType/operation)

Message 	portType	operation	
Reference	NCName 	NCName 					wsdl11.portTypeMessageOutput(portType/operation)

Operation 	portType	operation	fault
Fault		NCName	NCName	QName 	wsdl11.portTypeMessageFault(portType/operation/fault)

Recommend similar changes for the corresponding 2 rows for the binding element.

All the best, Ashok

Received on Wednesday, 29 November 2006 19:56:32 UTC