Agenda: WS-Policy WG Teleconference 18 - 2006-11-29

Agenda: WS-Policy WG Teleconference 18 - 2006-11-29

The phone number to use for the WS-Policy WG F2F is documented on the WG's 
administrative home page:

Participants are invited to join IRC channel #ws-policy as documented on 
the WG's administrative home page. Please register with Zakim:

1. Roll call and selection of secretary, Chair

a) Scribe List:

Jong Lee
Dimitar Angelov
Sanjiva Weerawarana
Ruchith Fernando
Jeffrey Crump
Tom Jordahl
Vladislav Bezrukov
Dale Moberg
Jeff Mischkinsky
William Henry
Prasad Yendluri
Mark Little
Abbie Barbir
Anthony Nadalin
Monica Martin
Glen Daniels
Ashok Malhotra
Daniel Roth
Sergey Beryozkin
Charlton Barreto
Sanka Samaranayake
Frederick Hirsch
Fabian Ritzmann
David Orchard
Toufic Boubez
Yakov Sverdlov
Felix Sasaki
Ümit Yalçinalp
Asir Vedamuthu
Maryann Hondo

b) Scribe FAQ (Updated)
Member only:

2. Review and approval of previous minutes, Chair

3. Future WG meetings, Chair

a) Next distributed meeting is Wed Dec 6  - Chair is Paul Cotton.

b) Future meetings

4. Editorial team report

a) Primer and Guidelines documents

ACTION-154 Report back to WG on plan to deliver public WDs of Primer and 
Guidelines documents as early as possible before XMas due +3 weeks, 
Editors  2006-11-16

5. Review action items, Chair
Open action items - Member only:

ACTION-144 Work with paul and negotiate end-date for review of the specs 
with the chairs of these other wgs, Christopher Ferris 2006-11-29

ACTION-145 Work with paul to liaison with ws-sx, ws-rx, ws-tx and uddi TCs 
at OASIS to request review comments, Christopher Ferris 2006-11-29

ACTION-147 Raise issue relative to xml:base and ws-policy, Christopher 
Ferris 2006-11-29

ACTION-148 Confirm that WG will not be out of bounds to publish a WG note 
that defines xpiointer scheme that defines access to wsdl 1.1 elements, 
Philippe Le Hegaret 2006-11-29

ACTION-151 Respond to sergey to his questions on the 3789 proposed 
resolution, Asir Vedamuthu 2006-11-18

ACTION-152 Review 4.4.8 with respect to the addition of the ignorable 
attribute ("treasure island") due December 1, David Orchard 2006-12-01

ACTION-155 Draft proposed clarifications in 2.6 on use of the mtom 
assertion as an optional assertion that have been raised by Frederick in 
3952 and in the discussion in this meeting, Daniel Roth 2006-11-29

ACTION-156 OPEN Respond to 1.1 element names topic Ashok Malhotra 

ACTION-157 OPEN Write a proposal for scoping the 1.1 identifiers to 
address the policy attachments points currently in the ws-policy 
attachment spec Christopher Ferris 2006-11-22 

6. Last Call Issues

<to be supplied>

7. New Issues

a. [G] Clarify if Section 7 on defining new policy attachment mechanisms 
is necessary, Dan Roth

b. [G] Clarify the guidance in section 5.9.1 on referencing policy 
expressions, Dan Roth

c. [G] The introduction should state that the document only targets policy 
assertion authors, Dan Roth

d. [G] The introduction section..., Asir

e. [G] What is the relevance of Section 4 'Authoring Styles' to policy
assertion design?, Asir

f. [G] The Guidelines document should use a phrase to identify the
target audience consistently., Asir

g. [G] Assertion Parameters vs. Name Value Pairs., Asir

h. [G] Parameters vs. Nested Policy decision at the Domain Level?, Asir

i. [G] ection 5.9 - Lifecycle of Assertions?, Asir

j. [G] Section 8 doesn't illustrate how to design an assertion., Asir

k. [G] Suggested format for the Guidelines document., Asir

l. [G] Content in Section 5.7 is unclear, Dan Roth

8. Primer Doc Issues

a) 3952 - Change optional example from MTOM to security (Guidelines and 
Primer), Frederick
>From Nov F2F - Partial RESOLUTION: Agreed to preserve MTOM assertion as 
optional example in Primer as partial resolution to 3952.
Pending Action 155 - - Dan to draft 
proposed clarifications in 2.6 on use of the mtom assertion as an optional 
assertion that have been raised by Frederick in 3952 and in the discussion 
in this meeting.

b) 3965 - Clarify text surrounding PolicyReference and for usage of 
wsp:Name attribute, Fabian

9. Guidelines doc issues

a) 3953 - Remove language that use of security policy assertions forces 
nested assertions for other domains, Frederick

10. WSDL11Identifiers

a) Nov 15 Editor's Draft:;%20charset=utf-8

b) Update from David Orchard

11. Any other business

12. Adjourn

Christopher Ferris
STSM, Software Group Standards Strategy
phone: +1 508 377 9295

Received on Monday, 27 November 2006 18:58:52 UTC