from November 2007 by subject

[ALL] Agenda - Nov 27 2007 SWD telecon - 1600 UTC

[ALL] agenda 20 Nov telecon - 1600 UTC

[ALL] Agenda 6 November telecon - 1600 UTC (1100 Boston)

[ALL] Scribing for next five telecons

[ALL] Scribing for SWD telecons

[All] SWEO requests input on SKOS message

[Fwd: DSpace - New version of the Controlled Vocabulary add-on]

[Fwd: SKOS mash-up server]

[RDFa] Use case for semantic annotations in RESTfull services

[Recipes] recipe 6 recasted as implementation pattern

[Recipes] Vapour service is online

[SKOS] A new proposal for ISSUE-39 ConceptualMappingLinks

[SKOS] deliverables (was RE: [ALL] agenda 20 Nov telecon - 1600 UTC)

[SKOS] inScheme and rdfs:isDefinedBy (cf. ISSUE-36 ConceptSchemeContainment)

[SKOS] Reference abstract and synopsis

[SKOS] Resolutions on concept semantics (ISSUE-54)

[SKOS] top priorities

[SKOS]: [ISSUE 44] BroaderNarrowerSemantics

action completed -- 09 Oct f2f minutes updated

Best Practices Issue: RDF Format Discovery

Change email address

Coordination and specific conceptual unit (was Re: SKOS-XL)

ISSUE-63: White-Space Canonicalization of XML Literals

ISSUE-64: TextualDescriptionsForConcepts

ISSUE-65: XMLLiteralNotes

ISSUE-66: What is the Subject of @instanceof ?

Leaving Early - Re: [ALL] Agenda - Nov 27 2007 SWD telecon - 1600 UTC

meeting record: 2007-11-15 RDFa Task Force

Meeting record: 2007-11-20 SWD telecon

Meeting record: 2007-11-27 SWD telecon

questions on SKOS


Regrets - Re: [ALL] Agenda 6 November telecon - 1600 UTC (1100 Boston)

Regrets for 11/27

regrets for Tues 11/20

SKOS and RDFa in e-Learning

skos validator

SKOS-XL (was RE: SKOS/ synonym provenance (ISSUE-27 AnnotationOnLabel))

SKOS/ synonym provenance

SKOS/ synonym provenance (ISSUE-27 AnnotationOnLabel)

synonyms and provenance info

telecon agenda is late

W3C Docs Outside of the TR Style

Last message date: Thursday, 29 November 2007 16:24:26 UTC