[Recipes] recipe 6 recasted as implementation pattern

> ACTION: Diego to recast Recipe 6 [recorded in [recorded in

I've recasted the recipe [1]. The main changes w.r.t. to the previous
incarnation are the following:

* Added detailed explanations on why we don't prescribe a particular
* Added some hints for developers on how to implement the recipe.
* Changed the structure of the text to make it clearer that there are
two alternative patterns, one of them with two variants that depend on
the technology used.

Please check the wiki page and send your feedback.

[1] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/wiki/BestPracticeRecipe6

Diego Berrueta
R&D Department  -  CTIC Foundation
E-mail: diego.berrueta@fundacionctic.org
Phone: +34 984 29 12 12
Parque Científico Tecnológico Gijón-Asturias-Spain

Received on Tuesday, 27 November 2007 17:22:11 UTC