Looks like nice work... anyone taken a look?
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Dear all,
The Odisseia Research Group at the University of Minho has just
released a new version of the Controlled Vocabulary add-on for DSpace.
Please refer to http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?
This patch adds a few improvements to the controlled vocabulary add-
on currently present in DSpace:
1) The Node Schema (see [dspace]/docs/controlledvocabulary.xsd) has
been updated to support other types of relationships and/or
properties that are part of a true thesaurus, and now all elements in
this structure are properly processed and displayed by the add-on.
2) The add-on recognizes thesaurus/controlled vocabularies described
in SKOS standard schema. This vocabulary can be created according to
the W3C recommendations and must be saved with the extension ".skos".
3) In the DC metadata fields you wish to control, it is now possible
to configure distinct vocabularies associated to specific
communities. You may also define one or more generic vocabularies to
be used by default on the rest of the communities. To use this
functionality you have to edit the file [dspace]/config/input-
forms.xml and place a new "controlled-vocabularies" element under the
<field> that you want to control.
This add-on was developed in the scope of the Odisseia Research Group
at the University of Minho. If you have any questions, please do
not hesitate to contact us:
- Simone Costa <scosta@reitoria.uminho.pt>
- Miguel Ferreira <mferreira@dsi.uminho.pt>
- Ana Alice Baptista <analice@dsi.uminho.pt>
Best regards,
Ana Alice Baptista