Coordination and specific conceptual unit (was Re: SKOS-XL)

Hi Ed,

> I also have a perceived need for something like SKOS-XL in the absence
> of labels-as-resources. The specific problem I have is dealing with
> pre-coordinated labels in Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH).
> For example when modeling a heading of "Logic, Modern--19th century"
> I'd like to have the complete string as the prefLabel while also being
> able to model the fact that "Logic, Modern" is a topical component and
> "19th Century" is a chronological component using my own (not yet
> invented) vocabulary. Unfortunately not all LCSH subdivisions like
> "19th Century" can stand alone as Concepts, so they can't really be
> post-coordinated as in MESH. So something like:
> lcsh:123 rdf:type skos:Concept;
>   skos-xl:prefLabel lcsh:456
> lcsh:456 rdf:type skos-xl:Label;
>   skos-xl:plainLiteralForm "Logic, Modern--19th Century"@en.
> lcsh:456 rdf:type lcsh:SubjectHeading
>   ...

I think this issue on coordination with subdivision is slightly 
different. In my mind it would be better to sort it by solving the 
issues 40 [1] on coordination and 60 [2] on not-indexing concept 
entities (the motivation for my introducing this issue was partly to 
represent in SKOS conceptual entities that are not full-fledge concepts, 
cf. requirement R-IndexingAndNonIndexingConcepts [3])




Received on Friday, 23 November 2007 22:09:13 UTC