Re: [SKOS] Reference abstract and synopsis

Hi Alistair,

Sorry I won't have much time these days to provide with extensive 
reading. Some comments (adding to Dan's ones, which I agree with)
- synopsis of language
perhaps synopsis reads too formal
plain literal strings -> strings (otherwise it's not very synopsis like ;-)
note-> notes
hierarchies (trees) -> hierarchies (we don't prevent people to create 
multi-hierarchies, or at least I hope so)
hierarchies (trees) and association networks -> "semantic networks" 
would be simpler

- semantic conditions (general) I've got a big remark there, coming in 
my reply to Quentin. Notice that it is valid for transitivity of 
skos:broader, but also similarly applies to disjointness of skos:Concept 
and owl:Class. I really think you should clarify what you mean by 
"interpreting" there. To me, it should not be asserting triples changing 
the semantics of SKOS constructs.

- semantic (paradigmatic) relations. I still don't get why the semantic 
relationship would be "paradigmatic". Or more precisely, why labelling 
properties or documentation properties would not be paradigmatic as 
well. But that's just a detail ;-)



> Hi all,
> I've written an abstract and a synopsis for the SKOS Reference, see:
> <>
> Any comments?
> Cheers,
> Alistair.
> --
> Alistair Miles
> Research Associate
> Science and Technology Facilities Council
> Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
> Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
> Didcot
> Oxfordshire OX11 0QX
> United Kingdom
> Web:
> Email:
> Tel: +44 (0)1235 445440 

Received on Monday, 26 November 2007 18:15:13 UTC