from May 2014 by thread

SEMANTICS 2014 - Paper Submission Deadline Extension: June 16, 2014 Harald Sack (Wednesday, 28 May)

Call for Industry Presentations SEMANTiCS Sebastian Hellmann (Saturday, 24 May)

non-derefencable http URIs and oa:SpecificResource quibble Bob Morris (Wednesday, 21 May)

[Jobs] Lead Developer at MITH (UMD) Robert Sanderson (Thursday, 15 May)

provenance appendix mapping James Chartrand (Monday, 12 May)

[CFP] DH Annotation Workshop at DocEng14 Robert Sanderson (Thursday, 8 May)

OA API available? Leyla Jael García Castro (Friday, 2 May)

How we built an Annotation server that can anchor to changing text in external web documents Benjamin Goering (Thursday, 1 May)

Re: Annotation creation and updates Antoine Isaac (Thursday, 1 May)

Pattern for annotation on regions or objects? Antoine Isaac (Thursday, 1 May)

Re: JSON-LD context for open annotations? Stian Soiland-Reyes (Thursday, 1 May)

Last message date: Wednesday, 28 May 2014 08:52:12 UTC