Re: JSON-LD context for open annotations?

No, but I can try to make one today.

I'll paste the context from the spec into the top and check that it is
On 1 May 2014 15:43, "Robert Sanderson" <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> There was some discussion last year about the context resolution.  If it's
> possible to simply put the context document at that URL would be fantastic.
>  The previous discussion was that contexts should not live there, only
> ontologies.  The solution was to have an ontology document in JSON-LD with
> the context embedded, on the grounds that JSON-LD processors will ignore
> the rest of the document.
> Which we didn't get around to doing, apologies!
> Stian, do you have a convenient transformation for the ontology into
> Rob
> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 8:08 AM, Jérémie Astori <> wrote:
>> Hi Ivan and Stian,
>> As the webmaster, I not responsible for content placed outside of TR.
>> Also, I am not aware of any change on this URIs.
>> Regards,
>> Jérémie
>> On 01/05/14 05:20, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:
>>> Ah, my apologies, I did not spot the trailing /!
>>> The oa/ with a slash is not meant to work and is just an
>>> implementation detail - and from there the relative links get broken.
>>> (As you see the namespace is
>>> About the JSON-LD context, I guess we would have to check the
>>> archives.  There was some back and forth if a context would be allowed
>>> in the /ns/ folder or not (and I think the conclusion was that it
>>> was). Perhaps we simply forgot once the agreement was reached..?
>>> Figure 5.1.1
>>> shows the JSON-LD context embedded in the HTML.
>>> Robert,  I guess that is the context which should be under
>>> and also under
>>> ?  Should we ask the webmaster to deploy that?
>>> On 1 May 2014 09:59, Ivan Herman <> wrote:
>>>> I am not sure what should be the "official" URI, the CG has to tell me.
>>>> However
>>>> works (without the trailing '/'!) and displays the content of oa.html
>>>> This one also works:
>>>> also works. It seems that things have been installed without the
>>>> separate oa/ directory.
>>>> You guys should tell me which one should be done; it may have been that
>>>> somebody (probably me) did it wrong at some point. I just do not remember
>>>> Ivan
>>>> On 01 May 2014, at 10:01 , Stian Soiland-Reyes <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>  I am thought those contexts should have worked.. but now I am not sure.
>>>>> Something has gone strange with the whole OA namespace.
>>>>> also  looks a bit odd -  all the styling is
>>>>> gone!
>>>>>  gives the HTML rather than the Turtle,
>>>>> same for oa.rdf.
>>>>> w3c Webmaster - any idea what has changed? Something with htaccess or
>>>>> web server setup?
>>>>> On 30 April 2014 16:07, Jacco van Ossenbruggen
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>> What is the best url to use for the json-ld context document for Open
>>>>>> Annotation applications?
>>>>>> The url advertised in the current specs does not resolve:
>>>>>> Nor does the versionless
>>>>>> ??
>>>>>> Any help would be appreciated,
>>>>>> Jacco
>>>>> --
>>>>> Stian Soiland-Reyes, myGrid team
>>>>> School of Computer Science
>>>>> The University of Manchester
>>>>> 9842-9718
>>>> ----
>>>> Ivan Herman, W3C
>>>> Digital Publishing Activity Lead
>>>> Home:
>>>> mobile: +31-641044153
>>>> GPG: 0x343F1A3D
>>>> FOAF:
> --
> Rob Sanderson
> Technology Collaboration Facilitator
> Digital Library Systems and Services
> Stanford, CA 94305

Received on Friday, 2 May 2014 07:58:57 UTC