Re: OA API available?

ISTR at one of the roll out meetings last year, several of us who had
implemented OA annotation repositories compared our APIs and we were all
working with fairly similar REST APIs based around the HTTP verbs.
E.g. the REST API for UQ¹s lorestore repository is described here:
And the code is here:

Note that developing REST and client side APIs is in the scope for the W3C
Annotation Working Group charter, so it might be worth adding page to the
wiki to describe examples of existing APIs for OA to feed into that work.


Anna Gerber

eResearch Group, School of Information Technology and Electrical
Engineering (ITEE)
The University of Queensland, Australia

On 7/05/2014 2:31 am, "Stian Soiland-Reyes"
<> wrote:

>Normal HTTP usually work well for retrieving Linked Data.
>.. for publishing that depends a bit about your application - if you
>want to have a generic server for maintaining collections of
>oa:Annotations, then perhaps building on the
> Linked Data Platform Container  API
>would work?
>I should not mention the old Annotea Server approach.
>On 6 May 2014 16:39, Jacco van Ossenbruggen
><> wrote:
>> Hi Neal,
>> On May 6, 2014, at 4:21 PM, Neal Audenaert
>> wrote:
>> Jacco, my take is that that API should focus on the core data model and
>> independent of any particular representation of that data model. Or,
>> another way, support for a specific format such as JSON-LD should be
>> something that could be plugged into the system.
>> AhŠ I blindly assumed that by 'API' we were talking about a REST-style
>> API to store and retrieve annotations from some web service, and that
>> programming languages referred to where simple the languages to
>> this web api.
>> Now I understand we were really talking about API in the plain software
>> library sense of wordŠ In which case I agree with your observation
>> But let's assume I _am_ looking for the REST apiŠ I would be curious
>> people on this list would consider a proper Web APIŠ
>> Jut plain HTTP GET/POST/PUT/DELETE requests, using the URLs of the
>> annotations as the main request URL and JSON-LD serialisations of the
>> data model as the representation?
>> Anything else would require some form of standardisation that is not
>> currently in the spec, while the option above ties the annotation to a
>> specific server and makes it hard to move to another server without
>> the annotation url. So I think implementing a good REST api does require
>> some standardisation.
>> Jacco
>Stian Soiland-Reyes, myGrid team
>School of Computer Science
>The University of Manchester

Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2014 04:31:48 UTC