[CFP] DH Annotation Workshop at DocEng14

Dear all,

A conference that mentions Open Annotation specifically in their CFP
(reproduced below) may be of interest:

DH-CASE II: Collaborative Annotations in Shared Environments: metadata,
tools and techniques in the Digital Humanities


We invite contributions related to the intersection of theory, design, and
implementation, emphasizing a “big-picture” view of architectural, modeling
and integration approaches in digital humanities. Submissions are
encouraged that discuss data and tool reuse, and that explore what the most
successful levels are for reusing the products of a digital humanities
project (complete systems? APIs? plugins/modules? data models?).
Submissions discussing an individual project should focus on these larger
questions, rather than primarily reporting on the project’s activities.
This workshop is a forum in which to consider the connections and
influences between DH annotation tools and environments, and the tools and
models used in other domains, that may provide new approaches to the
challenges we face. It is also a locus for the discussion of emerging
standards and practices such as OAC (Open Annotation Collaboration) and
Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives, and Museums (LODLAM).

Rob Sanderson
Technology Collaboration Facilitator
Digital Library Systems and Services
Stanford, CA 94305

Received on Thursday, 8 May 2014 20:07:23 UTC