from October 2011 by subject

[Bug 14353] New: Can an example for scripts of interactive works, like video games, be added? In those, dialogue is often triggered by pressing a button near them, and it's divided into chunks. Like person A may say X the first time, but if you query the person again (s)

[Bug 14355] New: in paragraph 2, 3rd sentence HTML4 quicky followed later that same year. Drop the misspelled word quicky because it is redundant to the phrase 'later that same year'.

[Bug 14358] New: <track> and WebVTT cue.alignment need more values

[Bug 14359] New: html 4.01 = rdfa 1.1

[Bug 14360] New: Count Unicode 'combining marks" together with "inter-element whitespace"

[Bug 14362] New: // metadata attributes attribute DOMString title; attribute DOMString lang; attribute DOMString dir; attribute DOMString className; readonly attribute DOMTokenList classList; readonly attribute DOMStringMap

[Bug 14363] New: Section appears to be saying that conformance checkers must obtain the list of valid meta names by screen-scraping a public wiki? *Seriously*? That's a joke, right?

[Bug 14364] [appcache] manifest attribute should accept data-uris

[Bug 14367] New: Hello my name is yoann

[Bug 14371] New: interface HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; readonly attribute unsigned long videoWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long videoHeight; attribute DOMStr

[Bug 14372] New: interface HTMLElement : Element { // metadata attributes attribute DOMString title; attribute DOMString lang; attribute DOMString dir; attribute DOMString className; readonly attribute DOMTokenList classList

[Bug 14373] New: 8.1 The hidden attribute Ready for first implementations Tests: 1 — View... Latest Internet Explorer beta: unknownLatest Firefox trunk nightly build: unknownLatest WebKit or Chromium trunk build: unknownLatest Opera beta or preview build: unknownJavaSc

[Bug 14377] New: <!DOCKTYPE html SYSTEM ' about : legacy-compat '>,

[Bug 14378] New: <track> cancel pending events when loading new src

[Bug 14381] New: "The IDL attributes href, rel, media, hreflang, and type, and sizes" -- extra "and"

[Bug 14382] New: I want to validate my website, please tell me what to do to solve the problem and allow me to attach a photos. Looking forward to get your feedback ASAP. Thank You Iman Assal Ayash

[Bug 14385] New: pc mighty max 2011_878.msi

[Bug 14386] New: HTML5 media lacks audio panning support.

[Bug 14387] New: For this page, need an anchor on end of each content to back to the content menu....

[Bug 14390] New: this is so simple

[Bug 14392] New: This is not an effective way to isolate documents if they import script via relative URLs or have forms that submit to relative URLs, so it seems dangerous to include in the HTML5 spec. See

[Bug 14394] New: I request a means to use XML elements that are based on data-types that, at least, have been validated by XSD or preferably XSD1.1. This would permit the use of html5 or xhtml5 with the software that is based on the next generation of medical informatics

[Bug 14400] New: In “The elements of HTML” → “Scripting” → “The script element” (4.3.1 as of 2011/10/06 (yyyy/mm/dd)), it is said that the default value for the type attribute of the script element is “text/javascript”. Why not prefer “application/ja

[Bug 14401] New: muito estranho este erro não accha.

[Bug 14402] New: dsffdfasdsa dsads fdsfda sdfsfdsfdasfd

[Bug 14407] New: The Note in the end-of-file case doesn't make sense. Probably change "current node" to "root html element"

[Bug 14410] New: "The the event handler processing algorithm": double 'the' and empy <li> in the algorithm

[Bug 14411] New: How about a canvas drawn inside another canvas. e.g. <canvas id="Main_canvas" width="800" height="800"><canvas id="Child_Canvas" height="400" width="400"></canvas></canvas> And how to position the origin of canvas to a specific co-ordinate explicitly??

[Bug 14413] New: Should be "multipart/x-mixed-replace" instead of "multipart/x-mixed-replaced"

[Bug 14415] New: What happend to the LH element?

[Bug 14417] New: · <a href= "" accesskey= "8" title= "Read our blog, discover the resource center, and find job opportunities." > About </a> · <a href= ";campaign_id=402047449

[Bug 14418] New: Section 2.4 Values: ", then the property would except the title to be given in " typo, except --> expect

[Bug 14419] New: when canvas isn't supported, or for blind users, the canvas element's content should be displayed, so excluding input types like text and select is discriminatory

[Bug 14421] New: Possible error in canvas Philip test 2d.path.stroke.prune.arc

[Bug 14422] New: video element - disable video

[Bug 14423] New: Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18

[Bug 14424] New: Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18

[Bug 14425] New: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18

[Bug 14427] New: Investigate if click()'s click-in-progress should apply to user and/or script initiated clicks

[Bug 14429] New: Named character set references ( in these draft contains whole character set of html 4 specification ( We can say that html 4 character set refe

[Bug 14430] New: Incorrect or inconsistent glyph values for &rang; and &lang;

[Bug 14431] New: Unclear whether to respect HTTP cache while checking for offline application manifest changes

[Bug 14432] New: ПРИВЕТ:) СКАЧАЙ БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ ИНТЕРНЕТ ЧАТ С ПЕРСОНАЖАМИ, ПО ССЫЛКЕ =?UTF-8?Q?962207=20=20=C3=90=C2=A2=C3=90=C2=95=C3=90=C2=91=C3=90=C2=AF=20=C3=90=C2=96=C3=90=C2=94=C3=90=C2=81=C3=90=C2=A2=20=C3=90=C2=9A=C3=90=C2=A3=C3=90=C2=A7=C3=90=C2=90=20=C3=90=C2=92=C3=90=C2=9E=C3=90=C2=97=C3=90=C2=9C=C3=90=C2=9E=C3=90=C2=96=C3=90=C2=9D=C3=9

[Bug 14433] New: s/stops being relevant/ends/

[Bug 14444] New: Microdata: document.getItems() inconsistent with document.getElementsByClassName()

[Bug 14445] New: When dealing with large web applications there should be a way to just do delta downloads of modified files. Just making a small change to e.g. a JS file and modifying the manifest file will currently result in a complete re-downloading of the entire appl

[Bug 14447] New: Very nice wall if want to more about nepal pls click on the blow.

[Bug 14449] New: valid URL

[Bug 14450] New: 2.7.2 Encrypted HTTP and related security concerns

[Bug 14451] New: //Arrays for each submenu var JButton_oBg = new Array(); var JButton_oMenu = new Array(); //Default browsercheck, added to all scripts! function JButton_checkBrowser(){ this.ver=navigator.appVersion; this.dom=document.getElementById?1:0; this.ie5=(

[Bug 14455] New: When tapping within a contenteditable, mobile browsers display a VKB that hogs the screen. But what if users don't want to enter any new text? They might instead make a selection, copy it, drag to move it, format it, or paste in something else. Ideally

[Bug 14456] New: I just wanna know Ian if it is true that HTML5 won't work for animation..only with javascript. Thanks.. Jacobo Medina

[Bug 14457] New: Add Element.dblclick. Apparently calling .click is better than synthesizing a click event using .createEvent, so there should be a .dblclick method aswell.

[Bug 14458] New: Thank you for your great invention !

[Bug 14459] New: Alternatively, you can file the bug directly in Bugzilla yourself: Alternatively, you can file the bug directly in Bugzilla yourself: Alternatively, you can

[Bug 14460] New: HOW TO UPLOAD

[Bug 14462] New: Bad value title for attribute name on element meta: Keyword title is not registered.

[Bug 14463] New: Had some trouble locating this section. I was looking at window.on* and trying to figure out how those event handlers are called. Maybe somewhere near by you could link to this section. It's only liked in one place.

[Bug 14464] New: requires firing two events although no browser does that

[Bug 14465] New: If itemid is a unique identifier, then should the Microdata DOM API include a method for retrieving a Node by itemid, similar to GetElementById()?

[Bug 14466] New: If itemid is a unique identifier, then should the Microdata DOM API include a method for retrieving a Node by itemid, similar to GetElementById()?

[Bug 14468] New: It is not specified whether CDATA is allowed at the very beginning of a document when there is no current node. Change to "if there is a current node and the current node is not an element in the HTML namespace..."? See test #13 in html5test-com.dat --

[Bug 14469] New: setTimeout/setInterval should take a 'long' rather than a 'float' timeout argument

[Bug 14470] New: Language handling in microdata

[Bug 14471] New: "An algorithm is allowed to show a pop-up if: ..." is not compatible with the implementations

[Bug 14472] New: The word "those" in the "Anything else" clause is ambiguious. It could refer to all pending tokens, or just the pending tokens that are not space characters --djf

[Bug 14475] New: @namespace url(; @-moz-document domain("") { body{ background: url("") #fff top center fixed !important; } body>#blueBar{ background: none !

[Bug 14476] New: @namespace url(; @-moz-document domain("") { body{ background: url("") #fff top center fixed !important; } body>#blueBar{ background: none !

[Bug 14477] New: <meta content='all' name="spiders" />

[Bug 14478] New: So i herd u liek mudkipz?

[Bug 14479] New: When not representing images, img elements are not alwasy inline. Say "ordinary element" (like other embedded elements) or "non-replaced element" (CSS2.1).

[Bug 14481] New: There should be a h element because h1..h6 imply semantics of level which are misleading when using nested sections. Btw.: I liked XHTML 2.0 much better than this stuff. Honestly, it's crap.

[Bug 14482] New: The DOM interface for the INPUT element have the properties 'selectionStart' and 'selectionEnd'. The opposite of the word 'start' is the word 'stop'. The opposite of the word 'begin' is the word 'end'. But the standard mixes the word 'start' with the word

[Bug 14483] New: EventInit has no IDL? Or doesn't link to any WebIDL?

[Bug 14484] New: Ignore my last bug ... but EventInit should link directly to DOM4

[Bug 14486] New: Should the conten model relly be Floww Content? Do we, for example, really want headings embeded in lists?

[Bug 14491] New: 'script' and 'style' are not consistent. 'script' have a 'src' attribute, but 'style' does not have a 'src' attribute. If the 'script' element is the cousin of 'style', then why doesn't both none of them have the src attribute? 'link' is used to load styl

[Bug 14492] <video> change event when tracks are removed

[Bug 14492] New: <video> change event when tracks are removed

[Bug 14499] New: Need ability to reset Canvas clipping region without resetting all other Canvas state

[Bug 14500] New: <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Klan T-Hard :: Strona Głowna</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="ufo.js"></script> <script language="

[Bug 14501] New: Update reference for "The 'about' URI scheme"

[Bug 14505] New: Rules for signed/non-negative integers doesn't handle overflow

[Bug 14507] New: awesome technology. please provide video tutorials., Thank you

[Bug 14508] New: The specification should allow authors to just add itemtype as a property without also having to add the itemscope property; this makes using html5 microdata easier and more terse.

[Bug 14516] New: IANA reg of application/x-www-form-urlencoded should actually point to definition

[Bug 14519] New: consider to make <nav> a non-sectioning element

[Bug 14520] New: consider to add element <outside> to de-section some text

[Bug 14521] New: Why does <fieldset> have <legend> but <table> have <caption> ? I think they both ought to use either <legend> or <caption>. This would eliminate a tag and reduce complexity. Both <legend> and <caption> are basically the same thing anyways?

[Bug 14522] New: Why does <table> have <caption> but <figure> have <figcaption> ? They can both just use <caption> instead! Gets rid of unnecessary superfluous elements that just introduce additional complexity.

[Bug 14524] New: Why is <big> element removed, but not the <small> element? I think big and small are companions, they are a couple, they're married. Either they should both stay, or they should both go! It is unfair that one has to stay, but the other has to go. I think

[Bug 14525] New: Why does the element for the attribute <track> is named 'kind' ? It should be named 'type' instead. Also, why is 'srclang' instead of just 'lang'? Try use same name for attributes in different tags to preserve keywords to minimum, then it becomes easier t

[Bug 14531] New: Require that <img>s are updated when @crossorigin is changed

[Bug 14534] New: Specify the target of the keyboard events when no element has focus

[Bug 14540] New: what about if the <body> IS an article?

[Bug 14545] New: Leicester Web Designing,web site design uk website designer Web Hosting,<a href="">Web design</a>web Domain Registration Company Leicester UK affordabale web site

[Bug 14546] New: Leicester Web Designing,web site design uk website designer Web Hosting,<a href="">Web design</a>web Domain Registration Company Leicester UK affordabale web site

[Bug 14548] New: Grouping Content: algorithm for incrementing value (OL->LI @value) does not match any current user agent

[Bug 14562] New: According to the website, Canvas2D is one of the specifications that are on "last call", so here's what I'd still like to see (one graphics, two typographical, all three known irks for many people who actually use canvas): - an elliptical arc command in a

[Bug 14565] New: Chain of normative statements connecting MIME type to HTML vs. XHTML is broken or unobvious

[Bug 14573] New: Make so you can put <hr> inside <select>. Many times I've seen people use hacks such as <input disabled>--------</input> as a separator/divider in select. For people who want to have a selection with no default value preselected. Example: <select> <opti

[Bug 14579] New: filing a separate feature request as requested in --- Please add an elliptical arc command in addition to the circular arc command. For nice graphics, you need the elliptical arc, and a separate circular

[Bug 14580] New: filing a separate feature request as requested in --- Please add a more elaborate font metrics object such as currently shimmed on, so that graphics involving text

[Bug 14581] New: filing a separate feature request as requested in --- Please add support for multiline text. more people than you think want to use graphics-manipulable text on their canvas. As the graphics contact for

[Bug 14585] New: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>(주소검색 팝업</TITLE> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Descri

[Bug 14593] New: Mom and boy fucking sex Free Full Download

[Bug 14601] New: Investigate if support for <a> inside image maps should be brought back to HTML

[Bug 14633] New: Drag source and drag destination can't coordinate behavior.

[Bug 14638] New: Should a canceled drop event signify a failed drop operation?

Call For Participation - Declarative3D Community Group Meeting at W3C TPAC

Change Proposal for ISSUE-170, was: ISSUE-170 rel-uri-valid: Chairs Solicit Proposals

Change proposal for ISSUE-173: split-appcache

Change Proposal for ISSUE-174, was: ISSUE-174 link-semantic-conflict: Chairs Solicit Proposals

Change Proposal for ISSUE-177, was: ISSUE-177 ietf-id-wip: Chairs Solicit Proposals

HTML Data Task Force

HTML-ISSUE-180 (allowpopups): Add "allow-popups" for iframe@sandbox [HTML 5 spec]

Issue 180: allowpopups - Chairs Solicit Proposals

ISSUE-170 rel-uri-valid: Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals

ISSUE-171 micro data-rdf: Chairs Solicit Proposals

ISSUE-173 split-appcache: Chairs Solicit Proposals

ISSUE-174 link-semantic-conflict: Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals

ISSUE-175 domparsing-ref: Chairs Solicit Proposals

ISSUE-176 restore-editing-api: Chairs Solicit Proposals

ISSUE-179 av_param: Chairs Solicit Proposals

ISSUE-181: remove-sidebar - Chairs Solicit Proposals

REMINDER: TPAC2011 Meeting Registration Open, 31Oct-4 Nov. 2011, Santa Clara, CA

Response to Jonas Sicking's Change Proposal: Deprecate Longdesc

revert request for

revert request for dropping of time element, adding of data element

Revert request for r6574

Revert request for r6610, and moving forward on ISSUE-129

revert request for spec change

Revised change proposal for ISSUE-170, Re: Change Proposal for ISSUE-170, was: ISSUE-170 rel-uri-valid: Chairs Solicit Proposals

Status of bug 11329

W3C TPAC 2011 Hotel Update

{minutes} HTML WG telecon 2010-10-27: issue updates, task force reports

Last message date: Monday, 31 October 2011 21:10:50 UTC