Revert request for r6610, and moving forward on ISSUE-129

On 10/02/2011 08:26 AM, Steve Faulkner wrote:
> Dear Chairs,
> The html5 editor has made a conformance change to the a element in
> respect to theARIA  roles that can be used.
> The conformance requirements present in the spec prior to the change
> were the result of this working group decision
> subsequently a bug was filed:
> this bug proffers no new data or evidence, it simply states:
> "Should disallow <a> elements to be made into buttons, checkboxes, radio
> buttons, tabs, or tree items, since those are all semantic abuse"
> On the baseis of the above comment the editor made the change. The
> rationale provided by the editor proffered no new data or evidence only
> vague staments about 'hurting accessibility'
> Vague unsubstantiated statements are not sufficient to override a
> working group decision, Changing the conformance requirements  because
> "Hixie said so" is not a convincing reason as hixie himself [1] said so
> recently.
>   I therefor request that this change be reverted
> (
> <>).
> If the editor can bring new data to the working group then of course the
> issue can be reconsidered

We have multiple requests to revert this change, and they included
plausible rationale.  Therefore:

1) We ask for a revert of this change to be completed no later than the
end of day on the 5th of October.  If this revert is not complete by 
that time, we will instruct W3C staff to make this change.

2) We ask that those who may wish to revisit the decision for issue 129, 
do so by providing New Information, as requested by the decision:

- Sam Ruby

Received on Monday, 3 October 2011 20:43:19 UTC