from April 2010 by subject

@href and @src in RDFa 1.1 Core (Re: Editor's Drafts Updated)

@prefix feedback

@profile in XHTML+RDFa 1.1

A couple of XMLLiteral-related questions.

Array-like access of RDFTripleList

Clarification on xsi:schemaLocation


Committed last editors draft of RDFa DOM API

CURIE Processing (Re 2: Updated RDFa Core Editor's Draft available)

Default prefix in RDFa 1.1 Core (Re: Editor's Drafts Updated)

Editorial comments on RDFa 1.1 Core (Re: Editor's Drafts Updated)

Exception on @rel/@rev in RDFa 1.1 Core? (Maybe an editorial issue; Re: Editor's Drafts Updated)

Format of the RDFa profile in RDFa 1.1 Core (Re: Editor's Drafts Updated)

How to Stringify RDFTriple and BlankNode

HTML+RDFa intro: examples before history, please

Interesting material on Linked Data

ISSUE-21: It will be hard to tell where a prefix comes from

Javascript Stub of the RDFa DOM API 1.1

Latest versions of the RDFa DOM API document and JS prototype

More thoughts on the RDFa DOM API document

Need for error messages?

New issue for XHTML+RDFa - @profile everywhere

New Issue: Allowing extension of RDFa Core

Notification: Role Attribute Editor's Draft available

Open Graph Protocol

profile files for test purposes

Profile issues

rdf:XMLLiteral and the RDF namespace

RDFa 1.1 support in RDF::RDFa::Parser

RDFa API - global object

RDFa API - uniting bnode, uri and projected objects

RDFa DOM API (2nd update)

RDFa DOM API commited to CVS

RDFa DOM API FPWD release candidate 2

RDFa DOM API updated

RDFa DOM API Version 0.1beta committed

RDFa DOM API: XML Literals?

RDFa WG telecon minutes for 2010-04-01

RDFa WG telecon minutes for 2010-04-08

RDFa WG telecon minutes for 2010-04-15

RDFa WG telecon minutes for 2010-04-22

RDFa WG telecon minutes for 2010-04-29

Re (on XHTML): Updated RDFa Core and XHTML+RDFa drafts

Re 2: Updated RDFa Core Editor's Draft available

regrets 22-04-2010

Rename @prefix

Review of RDFa Core 1.1

Review of RDFa DOM API 1.1

safe curies with undefined prefixes in @about/@resource

small changes on the rdfa.ttl file

Small typing errors in the API document

Some RDFa 1.1 tests on line.

Some thoughts on the RDFa DOM API document

Subclassing literals in RDFa API

Subclassing literals in RDFa API and JSON serialization

Telecon Agenda - 15th April 2010, 1400 UTC

Telecon Agenda - 22nd April 2010, 1400 UTC

Telecon Agenda - 29th April 2010, 1400 UTC

Telecon Agenda - 8th April 2010, 1400 UTC

Test Cases?

Updated RDFa Core 1.1 Draft

Updated RDFa Core and XHTML+RDFa drafts

Updated RDFa Core Editor's Draft available

Last message date: Friday, 30 April 2010 20:26:12 UTC