Javascript Stub of the RDFa DOM API 1.1


In a great Skype call yesterday with Manu, we simplified the RDFa DOM 
API a lot.
We also tried to regard Javascript language features in order to let the 
be implemented in a good Javascript style. (as mark demanded).

Nevertheless we payed attention to not outspace languages like Java.

In order to let us feel the Javascript Outcome, I tried to implement
it in Javascript and used mock-ups where ever the code has really to
parse RDFa and DOM data.
It is documented and should be understandable for non-Javascript developers.

The attached JS file runs on the latest RHINO and SpiderMonkey JS 

In the playground section you can try out the API.
I hope this will give you the chance to play with it and better discuss 
or try possible alternatives and

Next, I update the RDFa DOM API document and the WEB IDL specification.

Hope to get it done until our Telcon.

Best greetings,


Manu Sporny schrieb:
> I've finished a first-pass review of RDFa DOM API, comments can be found
> in-line:
> In general, I think I agree with Mark's comments about having a more
> ECMA-centric mechanism to retrieve and work with objects returned via
> the API. I think it boils down to ensuring that ECMA's typeOf() and
> toString() methods (among others) are overloaded appropriately and in a
> way that doesn't preclude native auto-typing in languages like Perl,
> Python, and Ruby.
> There are also a number of items that we may want to cut for FPWD -
> things like creating triples via the API.
> Some features, like RDF Triple Iterators, are neat - I don't necessarily
> know what use case we're solving with that feature.
> We need many, many more code samples in the document. We don't really
> have a good set of use cases for what we want the API to do... so,
> unfortunately, we don't know if the API that has been created meets the
> needs of the community.
> Benjamin has done a good job of getting the document to this stage. We
> are going to need involvement from the rest of the RDFa WG to get it to
> FPWD readiness, and unfortunately, I don't think that's going to happen
> by this Thursday. It looks like the document is going to need a few more
> weeks of the entire WG pouring over the API to get it into a
> release-able state.
> -- manu

Benjamin Adrian
Email :
Tel.: +49631 20575 145
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH
Firmensitz: Trippstadter Straße 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender) Dr. Walter Olthoff
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313

Received on Tuesday, 13 April 2010 11:50:52 UTC