Re: safe curies with undefined prefixes in @about/@resource

> I appreciate that, and it might, technically, be a good idea to treat it
> that way. However... doesn't that break backward compatibility? In RDFa
> 1.0 that safe CURIE would definitely be ignored...

It does break backwards compatibility with RDFa 1.0, yes. But if you
consider my example, an RDFa 1.1 processor would alreay generate radically
different triples to an RDFa 1.0 processor...

>>  <div profile=""
>>    xmlns:foaf="">
>>    <p about="#bob">
>>      <span property="foaf:name">Bob</span>
>>      <span about="[fred:me]" property="foaf:name">Fred</span>
>>    </p>
>>  </div>

Assuming that "fred" is defined by the profile, even if the profile can be
resolved, then an RDFa 1.1 processor would generate:

  @prefix foaf: <> .
  @prefix fred: <something> .

  <#bob> foaf:name "Bob" .
  fred:me foaf:name "Fred" .

While an RDFa 1.0 processor would generate:

  @prefix foaf: <> .
  @prefix fred: <something> .

  <#bob> foaf:name "Bob" , "Fred" .

This is another reason why I think allowing profiles to define prefixes is
not such a good idea. We'll only get close to backwards compatibility if
we restrict profiles to defining terms (but not prefixes) for


Received on Monday, 12 April 2010 09:17:59 UTC