RE: [xml-dev] Namespaces in XML and schemas
RE: anyType
union of a union legal?
Re: [xml-dev] Namespaces in XML and schemas
Namespaces in XML and schemas
Binding to a system time and date
Unexpected Child Element
[ANNOUNCEMENT]: Xerces-J 2.0.0 final release now available
attributes on complexType from other namespace
Path in schema include element
setting dtd to validate against
loading a dtd from a file
XSL and XML schema
RE: PUBLIC id in notations - oops
PUBLIC id in notations
Confirmation needed: block attribute
Schema Validation
converting variable to numeric
complexType's typedef
- Re: complexType's typedef
- RE: complexType's typedef
- RE: complexType's typedef
- RE: complexType's typedef
list of union-types - simple problem?
AW: Schema Location/namespace question.
Sample Schema validation
RE: Substitution group with members having simpleContent or compl exCo ntent
Is this a valid <restriction > of a complex type
Substitution group with members having simpleContent or complexCo ntent
potential erratum: totalDigits/fractionDigits
Schema Location/namespace question.
XHTML Basic XML Schema
top-level attribute declaration
Substitution Groups
SchemaLocation Question
Re: choice for attributes?
How to Provide default elements in XMLSchema differentiated with attribute values
XML Schema meta-model, UML
Schema Question (abstract/enforce)
problems validating xml with msxml parser
Mandatory attributes on root element
contstraint on attribute combination?
How can i parse schema itself with xerces
minOccurs help?
XML Schema validate?
attribute derivation
Entity declarations in XML
Can local element be abstract?
key/keyref and xs:ID/xs:IDREF
Facets on QName, clarification required
[Fwd: Clarification needed: anySimpleType]
pattern facet on list datatypes
XML Schema : Validating contents of one tag with another
- Re: XML Schema : Validating contents of one tag with another
- RE: XML Schema : Validating contents of one tag with another
- Re: XML Schema : Validating contents of one tag with another
- RE: XML Schema : Validating contents of one tag with another
W3C XML Schema Test Collection - error in expected result of attP 009.xml?
looking for help...
New release of W3C XML Schema Test Collection available
XML Schema and Xerces2.0.0_beta4
Import/Include question
Unnamed type in <schema>
Extension of the lexical space
XPointer point() test
typo error in XPointer CR
Re: Need pointers on use of MSXML 4.0
Schema Evolution
Whitespace and patterns
How to describe it with XML Schema ?
base64 element performance issue
ANNOUNCEMENT: Omniopera is released to open beta test
SVG Schema
some problems regarding to transforming UML to XML Schema
- Re: some problems regarding to transforming UML to XML Schema
- Re: some problems regarding to transforming UML to XML Schema
question about Xerces
XSV down?
schemaLocation in instance documents - how many hints?
- Re: schemaLocation in instance documents - how many hints?
- Re: schemaLocation in instance documents - how many hints?
["Eric Gossett" <>] Re: [Moderator Action] Validator seems to have a memory
Re: [Moderator Action] Validator seems to have a memory
RE: FW: User issues with Namespaces in Schema -- {form} qualified vs. unqualified, was [RE: Getting acquainted with schema]
Re: FW: User issues with Namespaces in Schema -- {form} qualified vs. unqualified, was [RE: Getting acquainted with schema]
Re: FW: User issues with Namespaces in Schema -- {form} qualified vs. unqualified, was [RE: Getting acquainted with schema]
FW: User issues with Namespaces in Schema -- {form} qualified vs. unqualified, was [RE: Getting acquainted with schema]
XML document embedded in the appinfo element?
PSVI API spec. (or CM API?)
Redefine and extension base
Use of xml:lang versus xs:language
XML Schema example
RE: Substitution groups: Is the "or" in "restriction or extension " ex clusive?
validator malfunction
Re: QNames without prefix
Substitution groups: Is the "or" in "restriction or extension" ex clusive?
Attribute error - a bug or a feature?
Adding an attribute to a restricted simple type
RE: Deriving a simpleContent element from an anyType or anySimple Type
- Re: Deriving a simpleContent element from an anyType or anySimple Type
- RE: Deriving a simpleContent element from an anyType or anySimple Type
Multiple <import> into same namespace?
Problems with xs:complexType restriction involving xs:choice
- RE: Problems with xs:complexType restriction involving xs:choice
- Re: Problems with xs:complexType restriction involving xs:choice
XML content type ?
New XML Schema Validation Engine
Schema for xml:base attribute
complexType derivation method
- Re: complexType derivation method
- RE: complexType derivation method
- Re: complexType derivation method
Deriving a simpleContent element from an anyType or anySimpleType
group or abstract type?
Help wanted with XML Schema for Dublin Core in RDF/XML
- RE: Help wanted with XML Schema for Dublin Core in RDF/XML
- Re: Help wanted with XML Schema for Dublin Core in RDF/XML
- RE: Help wanted with XML Schema for Dublin Core in RDF/XML
- Re: Help wanted with XML Schema for Dublin Core in RDF/XML
- Re: Help wanted with XML Schema for Dublin Core in RDF/XML
Problem in writing schema
Substitution groups and Parsing Efficiency
RE: Sequence fixed attributes
RE: [SQC is right] Derivation by Restriction and Namespaces [corr ection]
Validating Schemas With Xerces
datatype information
Re: [SQC is right] Derivation by Restriction and Namespaces - SQC Bug?
validating a schema against the standard
RES: Sequence fixed attributes
RE: [SQC is right] Derivation by Restriction and Namespaces - SQC Bug?
simpleType redefinition - must it be a restriction?
- Re: simpleType redefinition - must it be a restriction?
- RE: simpleType redefinition - must it be a restriction?
- RE: simpleType redefinition - must it be a restriction?
- RE: simpleType redefinition - must it be a restriction?
{disallowed substitutions} with a simple type definition?
Correct rules for ComplexType extension
Question about Final Attributes on Elements
RE: Semantics of elementFormDefault / Form
- Re: Semantics of elementFormDefault / Form
- RE: Semantics of elementFormDefault / Form
- RE: Semantics of elementFormDefault / Form
(please excuse previous post) Can a schema be validated against a nother schema
Derivation by Restriction and Namespaces - SQC Bug?
- RE: Derivation by Restriction and Namespaces - SQC Bug?
- RE: Derivation by Restriction and Namespaces - SQC Bug?