xmlschema-dev@w3.org from January 2002 by subject

(please excuse previous post) Can a schema be validated against a nother schema

["Eric Gossett" <gossett@bethel.edu>] Re: [Moderator Action] Validator seems to have a memory

[ANNOUNCEMENT]: Xerces-J 2.0.0 final release now available

[Fwd: Clarification needed: anySimpleType]

[Moderator Action] RE: XML Schema example

[Moderator Action] Validator seems to have a memory

[SQC is right] Derivation by Restriction and Namespaces - SQC Bug?

[SQC is right] Derivation by Restriction and Namespaces [corr ection]

[xml-dev] Namespaces in XML and schemas

Adding an attribute to a restricted simple type

ANNOUNCEMENT: Omniopera is released to open beta test


attribute derivation

Attribute error - a bug or a feature?

attributes on complexType from other namespace

AW: Schema Location/namespace question.

base64 element performance issue

Binding to a system time and date

Can a schema be validated against another schema

Can local element be abstract?

choice for attributes?

complexType derivation method

complexType's typedef

Confirmation needed: block attribute

contstraint on attribute combination?

converting variable to numeric

Correct rules for ComplexType extension

datatype information

Derivation by Restriction and Namespaces - SQC Bug?

Deriving a simpleContent element from an anyType or anySimple Type

Deriving a simpleContent element from an anyType or anySimpleType

Entity declarations in XML

Extension of the lexical space

Facets on QName, clarification required

forbidding specific strings as content

group or abstract type?

Help wanted with XML Schema for Dublin Core in RDF/XML


How can a schema be validated against specification

How can i parse schema itself with xerces

How do i validate XML Schema , itself?

How to describe it with XML Schema ?

How to Provide default elements in XMLSchema differentiated with attribute values

import in import and namespace

Import/Include question


Is this a valid <restriction > of a complex type

key/keyref and xs:ID/xs:IDREF

list of union-types - simple problem?

loading a dtd from a file

looking for help...

Mandatory attributes on root element

minOccurs help?

Multiple <import> into same namespace?

Namespace qualification

Namespaces in XML and schemas

Need pointers on use of MSXML 4.0

New release of W3C XML Schema Test Collection available

New XML Schema Validation Engine

Path in schema include element

pattern facet on list datatypes

potential erratum: totalDigits/fractionDigits

Problem in writing schema

problems validating xml with msxml parser

Problems with xs:complexType restriction involving xs:choice

PSVI API spec. (or CM API?)

PUBLIC id in notations

PUBLIC id in notations - oops

qname resolution question

QNames without prefix

Question about Final Attributes on Elements

question about Xerces

Redefine and extension base

RES: Sequence fixed attributes


Sample Schema validation

Schema Evolution

Schema for xml:base attribute

Schema Location/namespace question.

Schema Question (abstract/enforce)

Schema Validation

schemaLocation in instance documents - how many hints?

SchemaLocation Question

Semantics of elementFormDefault / Form

Sequence fixed attributes

setting dtd to validate against

simpleType redefinition - must it be a restriction?

some problems regarding to transforming UML to XML Schema

Substitution group with members having simpleContent or compl exCo ntent

Substitution group with members having simpleContent or complexCo ntent

Substitution Groups

Substitution groups and Parsing Efficiency

Substitution groups: Is the "or" in "restriction or extension " ex clusive?

Substitution groups: Is the "or" in "restriction or extension" ex clusive?

SVG Schema

top-level attribute declaration

typo error in XPointer CR

Unexpected Child Element

union of a union legal?

Unnamed type in <schema>

Use of xml:lang versus xs:language

User issues with Namespaces in Schema -- {form} qualified vs. unqualified, was [RE: Getting acquainted with schema]

validating a schema against the standard

Validating Schemas With Xerces

validator malfunction


W3C XML Schema Test Collection - error in expected result of attP 009.xml?


Whitespace and patterns

Wrapped around the axle: Refining and extending structures across namespaces

XHTML Basic XML Schema

XML content type ?

XML document embedded in the appinfo element?

XML Schema : Validating contents of one tag with another

XML Schema and Xerces2.0.0_beta4

XML Schema example

XML Schema meta-model, UML

XML Schema to DTD conversion tool

XML Schema validate?

XPointer point() test


XSL and XML schema


XSV down?

{disallowed substitutions} with a simple type definition?

Last message date: Thursday, 31 January 2002 19:33:37 UTC