Re: Help wanted with XML Schema for Dublin Core in RDF/XML

>>>Henry S. Thompson said:
> --=-=-=
> I think this is important enough that I've taken the time to produce
> what I am _guessing_ you want.  I attach three schema documents and an
> example, which is valid.
> Hope this helps.

Thanks a lot Henry; this looks just what I need

So checking my understanding

      dcmes-rdf.xsd (rdf: namespace
        which imports
          dcmes-dc.xsd (dc: namespace

and user documents (as shown in dcmes-xmpl.xml) should be validated
using the dcmes-xml-xsd.xsd schema

The old schema had <complexType>s for each of the Dublin Core
elements, since I was told, that made it easier to re-use the
schema(s) by redefining and/or restricting them.

The example I was given was, having made <complexType> dc:title

  <complexType name="dc:title" mixed="true">
	 <any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <attribute ref='xml:lang'/>

   <element name="dc:title" type="dc:title"/>

(or somesuch) it allowed in another schema:

  <complexType name="title">
	  <restriction base="dc:title">
		 <element name="mainTitle" type="string"/>
		 <element name="secondaryTitle" type="string"/>
	     <attribute ref='xml:lang'/>

Does that make sense to change the same to continue to do?

Great stuff; thanks again.


Received on Friday, 11 January 2002 12:17:22 UTC