RE: Use of xml:lang versus xs:language

> Prompted by something that I saw in the Dublin Core discussion, I noticed
> the definition of an attribute that is a reference to xml:lang.
> If I intend to provide 0..unbounded Description elements, each with a
> corresponding language attribute (reflecting the language of the
> Description's text), I could represent it as:
> 	<xs:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>
> or as
> 	<xs:attribute name="lang" type="xs:language"/>
> Is there any meaningful difference between the two? What are the relative
> merits of each approach?

The first one is the official xml:lang attribute as specified by XML 1.0.
The second is a lang atrribute that is either unqualified, or in the Schema
target namespace depending on the setting of attributeFormDefault.

David Cleary
the Progress Company

Received on Friday, 11 January 2002 14:10:45 UTC