looking for help...


Please let me know if this is not the forum for this question.

My questions are: (as best as I can put it):  

1)  When you extend a type, is there anything that says the ORDER of the
internal elements is implied?  I may not understand enough to ask it

2)  Why does comment want xmlns=""???

Somehow, I think I just don't understand the right way to do things :-).

Thanks for any help.

A subset of our Schema is below.  It doesn't do what I want.  It fails
in the following way both with TIBCO's TurboXML and with SAX2Count from

1) (above) The error in TurboXML is:

Element "RotationSection": expected Rotation

And with SAX2Count I get:

Error at file
line 8, char 20
  Message: Element 'comment' is not valid for content model:

Which happen when comment elements come after Rotation elements inside a
RotationSection... (example below).

2) (above) The error in TurboXML is:

Element "RotationSection": expected Rotation or comment (with no

SAX2Count I get:

Error at file
line 6, char 12
  Message: Element 'comment' should be un-qualified

=============== XML Schema =====================

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<!--Generated by XML Authority. Conforms to w3c
<xsd:schema xmlns = "http://www.cern.ch/cms/DDL"
	 targetNamespace = "http://www.cern.ch/cms/DDL"
	 xmlns:xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
	 elementFormDefault = "unqualified"
	 attributeFormDefault = "unqualified">

	<xsd:element name = "DDDefinition" type = "DDDefinitionType"/>
	<xsd:complexType name = "DDDefinitionType">
			<xsd:element ref = "Section" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs =

	<xsd:element name = "Section" type = "SectionType" abstract = "true"/>
	<xsd:element name = "RotationSection" type = "RotationSectionType"
substitutionGroup = "Section"/>
	<xsd:complexType name = "SectionType">
			<xsd:element name = "comment" type = "xsd:string" minOccurs = "0"
maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
		<xsd:attributeGroup ref = "SectionAttributes"/>
	<xsd:attributeGroup name = "SectionAttributes">
		<xsd:attribute name = "label" use = "optional" type = "xsd:string"/>

	<xsd:complexType name = "RotationSectionType">
			<xsd:extension base = "SectionType">
					<xsd:element ref = "Rotation" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs =

	<xsd:element name = "Rotation" type = "RotationType"/>
	<xsd:complexType name = "RotationType">
		<xsd:attributeGroup ref = "RotationAttributes"/>
	<xsd:attributeGroup name = "RotationAttributes">
		<xsd:attribute name = "name" use = "required" type = "xsd:string"/>
		<xsd:attribute name = "theta1" use = "required" type = "xsd:float"/>
		<xsd:attribute name = "phi1" use = "required" type = "xsd:float"/>
		<xsd:attribute name = "theta2" use = "required" type = "xsd:float"/>
		<xsd:attribute name = "phi2" use = "required" type = "xsd:float"/>
		<xsd:attribute name = "theta3" use = "required" type = "xsd:float"/>
		<xsd:attribute name = "phi3" use = "required" type = "xsd:float"/>
		<xsd:attribute name = "angleUnit" use = "optional" type =

========================= Instance example ===========================

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<DDDefinition xmlns = "http://www.cern.ch/cms/DDL" xmlns:xsi =
"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation =
	<RotationSection label = "blah">
		<comment xmlns = ""/>
		<Rotation name = "chfghfhf" theta1 = "0" phi1 = "0" theta2 = "0" phi2
= "0" theta3 = "0" phi3 = "0"/>
		<comment xmlns = ""/>
		<comment xmlns = ""/>


Michael E. Case
UC Davis
(530) 754-7226

Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2002 18:52:20 UTC