xmlschema-dev@w3.org from February 2002 by subject

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<xsd:sequence> required?

[Announce:] dtd2xs v1.54 released

[announce] XML Spy 4.3 Suite released - adds SOAP Debugger, XPath Analyzer, SQLXML Support

[RE: Conditional typing] xsi:type not checked against schema

[xml-dev] Simplified XPointer

[xmlschema-dev] <none>

[xmlschema-dev] Re: Nested Schema

[xmlschema-dev][Announcement] IBM XML Schema Quality Checker 2.0

all group maxOccurs cannot be unbounded limitation

Announcement for the release of XBuilder

Any Schema error codes?

Apache validation sample

Auto generation of XML based on XSD

block="substitution" in local element definitions

Cannot do any order and control the maxOccurs.

Canonical lexical representation

Castor and references


Conditional typing

Confirmation needed: block attribute

Correction: Restricting an anyType?

cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'xs:schema'

Default values

Derivation by restriction

derived simpleTypes and fundamental facets

developing of an converter!

Duplicate ID's and includes or imports

element dependencies

Element not containing 'blank' text value

ENTITY datatype


Error in xsd validation....

Expressing varying cardinalities of unordered elements in a complex-type

facets not working


formatting date and time fields

Formattings in XML Document!

global types inlining

Help : Blank XML tags inside another Blank XML Tag : Getting error msg

Help with Xerces Schema validation

how does one represent an alternating set of elements?

How to Encode XML Content or Whole XML File

How to handle Currency

How to redefine <group> and <attributeGroup>?

How to represent fixed namespace attributes?

including external xml files in an instance and validating ac ross the files

including external xml files in an instance and validating across the files

Limited implementation of Global Attributes?

Meaning of restriction of complex type?

mixed attribute for character data

Mixed content

msValidate (was RE: Restricting substitution groups?)

Multiple Types in XSD?

name conflict

Namespace of locally declared elements when extending imported types

Need help with any and all

Nested Schema

Overriding of a fixed value

Parse XML Schema with an XML document.

PUBLIC id in notations - oops

QName resolution


Redefining redefines

Regarding XML Schema on Solaris.

Request for new namespace capabilities in "any" element

Restricting an anyType?

restricting element name length

Restricting substitution groups?

Restriction of Data Type

schema libraries

scoping of namespace prefix

sites on xml schemas

SOAP and WSDL and inheritance by restriction

Substitution group and abstract element


Thanks everybody! and a minor question about steve's revised implementation Re: how does one represent an alternating set of elements?

Two elements FooFoo with different types in a sequence? Is th is possible?

Two elements FooFoo with different types in a sequence? Is this possible?

union of a union legal?


using enumerations and castor file generation

Using XML Schema in local directory

Validating a part of the XML Document using DTD/Schema

Validation against schema - invalid characters?

validation problem with xerces 2

Why can't we include foreign attributes in xs:appinfo and xs:documentation ?

Wrapped around the axle: Refining and extending structures ac ross namespaces

WSDL and possible UPA violation

Xerces2 and DTD together with Schema

XHTML schema question

XML Schema

XML Schema : Validating contents of one tag with another

XML Schema Part 1: Structures W3C Recommendation 2 May 2001 - error

XSD to sample XML data

XSD Validation

xsi:nil="true" and xsi:type="xsd:string"

XSL and XML schema


XSV - xmlns errors

Last message date: Thursday, 28 February 2002 18:22:55 UTC