RE: including external xml files in an instance and validating ac ross the files

Thanks for all your help Jeni.  I emailed XML Spy support and they replied
that this is a bug and have placed it on their buglist.  I am attaching
sample schemas just in case anyone is curious, but I think that I will have
to use a work around until XML Spy solve the bug.  BTW, do you have any
recommendations on other XML tools for metadata maintanence?  XML Spy has
generally been very good, but I was wondering if there are others.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeni Tennison []
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 1:39 AM
To: Rolf Russell
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: including external xml files in an instance and validating
ac ross the files

Hi Rolf,

> I took your wrapper file DTD idea and was able to add a DTD to my
> invoice.xml file that references the partlist.xml file, but
> unfortunately I cannot validate the invoice.xml document if I add
> the KEY-KEYREF relationship that I described. I get the following
> error: "Undefined key values for keyref identity constraint
> 'Item-PartNumber-KeyRef' - the values refered to by the field
> selector must match existing unique/key values." This seems to
> indicate that my XML validation engine (XML Spy 4.2) does not
> dereference external entity references before validation. I checked
> this by pasting in the actual xml instead of referencing it and the
> error went away. Is it standard for all validation engines to not
> dereference, or dependent on the engine?

I'm pretty sure that schema processors should dereference any entities
prior to validation, since they're working on the infoset rather than
the physical document.

Do you think you could post small examples of the relevant files -
there might be something funny in your identity constraints...



Jeni Tennison

Received on Thursday, 7 February 2002 16:45:20 UTC