Validation against schema - invalid characters?

My XML document contains things like:

<Unit External="Te/m³" Internal="Te/m³" Zero="0." Scale="1." Offset="0.">Te/m³ :: Te/m³</Unit>
<Unit External="kW/°C" Internal="kW/°C" Zero="0." Scale="1." Offset="0.">kW/°C :: kW/°C</Unit>

Vaildation against:

<xs:element name="Unit">
			<xs:extension base="xs:string">
				<xs:attribute name="Type" type="xs:string" use="optional"></xs:attribute>
				<xs:attribute name="External" type="xs:string" use="required"></xs:attribute>
				<xs:attribute name="Internal" type="xs:string" use="required"></xs:attribute>
				<xs:attribute name="Zero" type="xs:double" use="required"></xs:attribute>
				<xs:attribute name="Scale" type="xs:double" use="required"></xs:attribute>
				<xs:attribute name="Offset" type="xs:double" use="required"></xs:attribute>

using MXSXML4 fails claiming that ³ and ° are illegal characters. If I use XML spy to do the validation, it doesn't complain. Anyone
have any idea why this happens? And what can I do to get the MSXML parser to work??

Received on Thursday, 21 February 2002 08:42:58 UTC