- From: Steven Corkey <scorkey@ceyba.com>
- Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 16:13:11 -0500 (EST)
- To: <xmlschema-dev@w3.org>
> I am attempting to use xml spy to create xsd files which contain > enumerations. > > I then use castor file generation on my xsd to create my object model > code. > > The castor source generator creates the required files just fine. > > When I attempt to validate an xsd against an xml the enumeration > checks work fine. > > When I attept to either marshall or unmarshall xml or java object s > that contain enumerations the enumerations don't > get written or read, not even errors. They are just dropped. > > > I examined the source for the enumeration classes created by the > castor source generator and they contain no public > default constructors. > > > > Does anyone know of a way to have castor generate code from an xsd > that contains enumerations and works in the marshalling > unmarshalling process?
Received on Thursday, 7 February 2002 16:45:24 UTC