RE: [RE: Conditional typing] xsi:type not checked against schema

Hello again...

> schema :
> 	<xs:element name="root">
> 		<xs:complexType>
> 			<xs:sequence>
> 				<xs:element name="element"
> type="valueType"/>
> 			</xs:sequence>
> 		</xs:complexType>
> 	</xs:element>
> 	<xs:simpleType name="valueType">
> 		<xs:union memberTypes="xs:base64Binary xs:string"/>
> 	</xs:simpleType>
> valid instance :
> 	<element xsi:type="xs:int">1</element> 
> 	<element xsi:type="xs:boolean">1</element> 
> 	<element xsi:type="xs:string">hello world</element> 
> - As far as I understand, only xs:string and xs:base64Binary should be
> accepted. Is that true ?

Almost. As defined here, "valueType" can also be used.

--> Why are "boolean" and "int" valid, although the union type says "string"
and "base64Binary" ???

Thanks in advance,


Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2002 03:51:20 UTC