Re: Conditional typing


Piccand Régis wrote:

> - Is this possible to do that in the actual version of xmlschema ?

It is impossible if you want to use a "type" attribute from your own 
namespace, but (almost) exactly what xsi:type has been designed for!

See for instance

The problem which you will have is that since xs:base64Binary and 
xs:string are both 2 primary types, you will have to use a generic UR 
type for the definition of your element and will not be able to control 
that other types are not used in addition of those two.

> - If not, is it planned to allow this kind of functionality ?
> - Is it recommended to use "non-standard" schema languages (schematron ??) ?

If you don't want (ot can't) use "xsi:type" instead of your "type" 

attribute, yes you can use schematron but it won't be that easy to test 

if it's a valid base 64 content with Schematron. 

What you can also do is to embed a schematron rule in a W3C XML schema 
with xsi:type to check that one of the two allowed datatypes is used.

Another option is to use RELAX NG instead of W3C XML Schema.

Hope this helps.


Rendez-vous a Paris pour mes formations XML/XSLT.
Eric van der Vlist   

Received on Monday, 11 February 2002 04:54:48 UTC