Re: XML Schema : Validating contents of one tag with another

> This is known as co-occurance constraints.
> Version 1.0 of the W3C XML Schema Language does not support
> co-occurance constraints.
> I would like to encourage everyone to look at the XML Schema FAQ.
> (I think the W3C XML Schema working group should have a link
> to this resource at, but I do not think
> they do.)
> I believe the answer to your question was included in this entry:

I'm currently working on a paper that will explain the details of embedding
Schematron rules in the <xs:appinfo> element in a W3C XML Schema. I've put
up a draft at [1] which contains some background, introduction to
Schematron, examples of embedded Schematron rules and how the validation
process works. The draft also contains a link to a zip file with all the
examples used so you can try it out yourself.

All comments are welcome.



> Regards,
> Bob Schloss
> IBM Research
> on 01/17/2002 08:27:10 AM
> Sent by:
> To:
> cc:
> Subject:    XML Schema : Validating contents of one tag with another
> Hi,
> How do I write a contraint in XML Schema document that validates content
> of a tag based on content of another. e.g. below : The AIRBILL can have
> a value only when CARR_CODE has a value otherwise not.
> Here e.g. 1 is valid but 2 is not.
> 1.
> 2.
> How do I constraint this dependency while writing the XML Schema
> document ?
> Can anybody help ?
> Thanks,

Received on Monday, 11 February 2002 03:25:47 UTC