RE: developing of an converter!

You might try XMLCONVERT or one of the other conversion utilities listed at 

I've used XMLConvert to transform csv files to XML. It takes a little
getting used to, but it does the job well, and repeatedly. To do the
conversion, you write a conversion schema (little "s", not XML Schema),
save the Excel table as a csv file and then run it through XMLConvert.


Mark Feblowitz                                   [t] 617.715.7231
Frictionless Commerce Incorporated     [f] 617.495.0188 
XML Architect                                     [e]
400 Technology Square, 9th Floor 
Cambridge, MA 02139  

 -----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent:	Thursday, February 14, 2002 4:53 PM
Subject:	developing of an converter!

Hello people,

I have dates in an Excel-table. I would like to develop a converter which
reads the dates from the table and does to which a XML-document .  A schema
is already defined, that is determined the structure of such XML documents.

Does anybody have an idea how I can begin? How I am supposed to proceed?
Which programming language I can apply?

Thank you!

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Received on Thursday, 14 February 2002 17:02:39 UTC