*FREE* web host that supports XML
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<dialogstart> - clumsy?
[editorial] white space reference to XML specification
[Moderator Action] how to convert telephone voice to text
[Moderator Action] Patent available
[VoiceXML] return from subdialog with event ...
Any one have com.ibm.dmmc.JMFtoJTAPY class
Any telephonic interaction available in the IBM Voice xml
Barge-in types in VoiceXML
Billing in VoiceXML 2.0 - a deliberate lacuna?
catching error in <goto> inside or outside the form???
Comments for WD-speech-grammar-20010103
Comments for WD-speech-grammar-20010820
Comments on CCXML Version 1.0
Comments on VoiceXML 2.0
Comments on VoiceXML 2.0 Working Draft 23rd October 2001
Comments on W3C Working Draft, 23 October 2001
- randy (Tuesday, 19 February)
Error in Semantic Interpretation Spec?
Failure of <transfer> with blind transfer
fetchhint on <submit>
Further comment on VoiceXML 2.0 Working Draft, 23 October 2001
FYI: please and thank you
goto next=#f2 while in subdialog with params?
grammar that matches arbitrary word?
help in Nuance voice web server
how to convert telephone voice to text
how to run simple voice xml application in nuance webserver
How To set up Nuance TTS server?
how to take the text as input with out using grammar
How to use inputmodes property
i installed as u specified
Interpretation of relative src url in grammar?
just a question
Menu grammars, document scope and clarifications?
Misuse of W3C public discussion lists
Mixed Initiative
More questions, SUBMIT without namelist?
name attribute in FIELD
need to learn xml and voice xml
- vivek (Wednesday, 13 February)
Patent available
Personal comments on Speech Recognition Grammar Spec last call
- Al Gilman (Thursday, 21 March)
- Martin Duerst (Thursday, 21 March)
- Martin Duerst (Thursday, 21 March)
- Al Gilman (Wednesday, 20 March)
- Martin Duerst (Wednesday, 20 March)
- Andrew Hunt (Monday, 18 March)
- Luc.Van.Tichelen@lhs.be (Friday, 15 March)
- Bruce Lucas (Wednesday, 13 March)
- Al Gilman (Monday, 25 February)
- Martin Duerst (Sunday, 24 February)
- Andrew Hunt (Friday, 22 February)
prompt bargein attribute default?
Prompt counting question
return from subdialog with event ...
root rule question
still confused about event counters...
subject of the mailing list
Suggestions for the clarification needed to make VXML 2.0 easier to understand for Application developers
The Macintosh deliverable will consist
- randy (Tuesday, 12 February)
Virus Alert
VoiceXML 2.0 comments
VoiceXML dialog interruption
voicexml in beans
VoiceXML2.0: Missing "destexpr" attribute in specification of <record> element
- Scott McGlashan (Friday, 8 February)
- Scott McGlashan (Friday, 8 February)
- randy (Thursday, 7 February)
- James Salsman (Thursday, 7 February)
- Scott McGlashan (Wednesday, 6 February)
- James Salsman (Tuesday, 5 February)
- Scott McGlashan (Monday, 4 February)
- James Salsman (Sunday, 3 February)
- mxd@cisco.com (Friday, 1 February)
- Scott McGlashan (Tuesday, 29 January)
- Wyss, Felix (Saturday, 26 January)
- James Salsman (Saturday, 26 January)
- Wyss, Felix (Friday, 25 January)
VXML & Java
W3C retreats from Royality Policy (CNet News)
Web interface for VXML applications
What type of voice that TTS gives as output
XML file contents on a Palm Top
Last message date: Monday, 25 March 2002 18:09:19 UTC