Menu grammars, document scope and clarifications?

I've a minor doubt about interpreting "document scope" menu
grammars. What grammars exactly will become document scope?

 - only automatic and dtmf grammars defined by the choice elements

 - if choice has grammar elements, then grammars *within* choice
   elements will become document scope?

Additional clarifications?

 - if choice includes only grammars elements with mode="dtmf",
   automatic grammar from the PCDATA content is generated or not?

 - if choice has "dtmf"-attribute (or menu has dtmf="true"), a grammar
   element with mode="dtfm" will override the attribute specified dtmf
   grammars or is addition to them?

in VoiceXML "3.1.3 Scope of Grammars"

      "Menu grammars are also by default given dialog scope, and are
      active only when the user is in the menu. But they can be given
      document scope and be active throughout the document, and if
      their document is the application root document, also be active
      in any other loaded document belonging to the
      application. Grammars contained in menu choices cannot specify a

1) I assume the last sentence only applies to the presence of "scope"
   attribute. Grammar can still be document scope, if menu is?

2) I'm wondering about utility of specifying a "menu" on application
   root document. The end result is just same as a collection of
   equivalent "link" elements. Is it just in case someone executed
   root directly? [in general, the semantics of "document scope" menu
   grammars is same as a collection of links that are roughly
   equivalent of contained choice elements?]

Received on Friday, 4 January 2002 06:09:16 UTC